
5 foods that lose their nutritional value in the microwave

Should we use microwave ovens at home – this is a question that bothers many people. In view of the developing technologies, the time for doing household chores has been reduced significantly. You’ve all heard the well-known phrase “A man is what he eats”.

It turns out that the preparation of food is just as important as its origin. The microwave oven has become a popular device that allows quick cooking for everyone, saving valuable time.

People’s desire to save time has helped to make many improvements in the home. There are a variety of foods available in stores that can be cooked literally in seconds with the help of microwave ovens. But have you ever wondered how much nutritional value you might be losing from food prepared this way?

The percentage of households that have a stove of this type is increasing. As soon as they appeared on the market, talk began about the harmful electromagnetic radiation and the potential harm they could cause to health.

Low-frequency waves convert raw food into a ready-to-eat form, but not all foods are suitable for cooking this way. To protect your health, it is advisable to avoid cooking several types of food in a microwave oven.

1. Asparagus

If you are a fan of healthy eating and like to eat vegetables, then try to eat them raw. Processing asparagus in a microwave guarantees the loss of useful elements for the body. The spring vegetable is rich in antioxidants and also in vitamin C, which you will certainly lose during heat treatment. The reason for this is that vitamins B and C are from the group of vitamins that are soluble in water and are therefore easily broken down in this type of preparation.

2. Breast milk

It is important for every future and current mother to know that breast milk carries key beneficial bacteria for the baby. Thanks to them, the child will grow healthy and strong. Storing breast milk in baby bottles and rewarming it in the microwave will reduce these beneficial bacteria. Do not use this household appliance to warm or freeze breast milk, as it will eliminate the beneficial properties of breast milk.

3. Broccoli

Like asparagus, broccoli does not need to be microwaved. The reasons are the same again. Eating raw vegetables is the best decision for your health. If you have decided to follow a diet, it is good to pay attention to cooking in general.

4. Dried Chili Peppers

If you’re a fan of spicy food and want to add chili peppers to your favorite dish, don’t microwave it. Chili peppers contain high amounts of iron, selenium and magnesium, which will evaporate during cooking. Together with them, the capsaicin – the main substance that makes peppers hot – will evaporate. For this reason, they should not be added to food in these stoves.

5. Frozen Fruit

Do not reheat frozen fruit, but instead leave it in a bowl at room temperature. Fruits that are frozen lose their nutritional value already during packaging. In order not to deprive yourself of the remaining useful ingredients, do not thaw artificially.

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