
5 symptoms of breast cancer

Breast cancer is among the most common forms of malignancy and affects both men and women. The chances of getting the disease increase with age, but if breast cancer is detected early, it can be completely cured.

The majority of breast cancer cases are diagnosed in people who are over the age of 40, but in cases where young people are affected, the disease is more aggressive. Therefore, early detection is an essential part of the treatment of the disease.

The earliest stages of breast cancer usually come without pain. The most common indicator is the detection of a lump, but people should not rely on this symptom alone, as it appears in an advanced stage of the disease.

There are several signs to look out for, advises the American Cancer Society. They are not definitive proof of breast cancer, they can sometimes indicate hormonal disturbances.

Some of the most obvious signs are: changes in the structure of the breast, the appearance of lumps, changes in the skin or nipple.

Here are some of the signs of breast cancer that people often overlook:

1. Itching, redness, and pain

Breasts may be sore and tender during menstruation, but this symptom could mean something more serious if the tenderness continues afterward. There may also be palpable swelling, characteristic of the less common (about 3% of cases) type of breast cancer.

The skin may appear scaly or with small bruises similar to hemorrhages. This form of cancer is characterized by rapid development that blocks the blood vessels that nourish the skin. The sensation is of redness, warmth and tenderness.

2. Back pain

Patients usually feel upper back pain between the shoulder blades before any other breast cancer symptoms appear. The discomfort is usually attributed to muscle pain, inflammation of the spine, or strained tendons and ligaments in the back. It is possible, however, that we are talking about metastases in the ribs or the spine.

3. Pain and tenderness under the arm

According to studies, breast cancer spreads first to the axillary lymph nodes. They indicate breast cancer in the same way that lymph nodes in the neck and throat area indicate the flu.

Swollen lymph nodes under the arm, pain and tenderness there may be a signal of the presence of a tumor even before there are changes in the breast. Any pain or discomfort in the armpit is something to get checked out.

Sometimes a hard lump or thickened tissue appears under the arm. This is not always a sign of a tumor, but it is good to consult a doctor.

4. Changes in the nipple

One of the most common sites of breast cancer is under the nipple. The presence of cancerous lesions can cause changes in appearance and sensitivity. Sometimes the texture, color and shape of the fabric changes.

Some women describe a lack of sensitivity in the nipple, especially during intercourse. Discharge of clear fluid, blood, or milk if you are not breastfeeding can be a sign of breast cancer.

5. Change in breast shape

Most women think of breast cancer if they feel a lump. However, they do not take into account the change in the shape of the breasts – when one remains normal and the other has taken the shape of an ellipse.

Some women notice the changes when wearing a bra, sometimes it is the husband who notices the symptoms.

Patient organizations recommend self-examination for breast cancer in front of the mirror. Lift the breast and check the fabric on both sides. It’s easiest when you lather up in the bathroom.

Each of these symptoms should be analyzed by a medical professional for a definitive diagnosis.

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