
6 body positions harmful to our health

Too many people have incorrect posture. In addition to endangering the figure, incorrect posture can cause a large number of diseases such as headaches, high blood pressure, pinched nerves, neck and back pain, faster wear of joints, reduced muscle flexibility and a number of others.

Most people don’t realize they have bad posture. If you want to find out if your posture is incorrect, do the following test:

Ask your friend to take a picture of you. You need two full-length photos. With one you have to be in profile, and with the other from the side. During the photo shoot, be honest with yourself. Do not pose, but stand as you are most comfortable and natural.

Of course you can also look at your posture in the mirror or ask a friend to tell you if they see any problems.

More importantly, consider whether you have any of the following issues:

  • Drop an imaginary line from your ears to the floor. If you find that this line is significantly in front of the shoulder, it means that you tend to bend your neck and head too much.
  • If in the photo your shoulder is protruding – > means that the back is too hunched.
  • If it is seen that the hips are slightly bent in front, and the stomach is low and the lower back is strongly curved – is a signal , that you need to pay attention to the muscles around your pelvis.
  • Check that both shoulders are at the same height. If one is higher than the other it is very likely that you have a problem with the muscles around the ribs and shoulders.
  • Kneecaps and feet. If they point inward, you should pay attention to the muscles at the shins.
  • If your legs are in a duck position, ie. If your toes point out more than 10 degrees, you may have a problem with weak hip muscles and cartilage.

Let’s look at some of the most effective exercises to help you help you quickly and easily correct problems with poor posture.

1. Dropped shoulders and back – a posture resembling the letter C

This type of slouching is all too common in women. In this pose, the shoulders and chest are relaxed in front. The shoulders form an oblique angle at the bottom. Women’s breasts hang down. A rounded bulge forms at the upper back.

This posture has negative consequences for both our physique and our self-esteem. It has an adverse effect on the spine and chest. The pose often causes breathing problems and even heartburn. Often people who had a C-shaped posture complain of severe pain in the waist, back, shoulders and neck.

Problem Solving Exercise:

Lie on your stomach on the floor. Raise your arms 90 degrees up. Try to raise your shoulders. Try to raise your shoulders as well. Hold this for about five seconds. The exercise is repeated 12 times for 2-3 series daily.

In yoga there is a similar exercise called “Swing”. It is also suitable for healing the problematic orthostatic muscles that cause this problem.

2. Strong forward head and neck.

Many people have the bad habit of keeping their head unnaturally forward towards the chest. This could mean that you have a problem with the muscles around your neck.

Problem Solving Exercise:

The exercise is quite simple. Tuck your chin forward strongly, but without moving your neck. Let your chin touch your sternum. You should feel a stretch in the back of your neck. Be careful not to stretch too hard, even if you can’t touch the sternum with your chin. Hold this pose for about five seconds. Repeat the exercise another 10-12 times.

3. A posture that is too high or too low with a raised pelvis.

The natural human posture should resemble the letter S. In this posture, the buttocks are unnaturally elevated. As the chest is strongly brought forward. In some people, the posture is almost the opposite – the pelvis is too far forward, and the chest is too far back.

Whether the pelvis is lowered or too raised, this incorrect posture is due to insufficiently strong muscles in the abdominal area. We could point to unstable hip joints and muscles as problematic.

Problem Solving Exercise:

Kneel so that the left knee rests on the ground and the right leg is extended in front of you, bent at the knee. Bend the body towards the bent leg and press. If you perform the exercise correctly you should feel a slight stretch in your left thigh. You should also feel tightness in the gluteal muscles on the left side. Stay in this pose for about 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

4. Unevenly straightened shoulders

In this case, the muscles under the chest, the groups of muscles located under the ribs and around the shoulders are too weak. When trying to correct the posture, a strong muscle spasm is felt.

Problem Solving Exercise:

Sit in a chair. Bring your hands down to your hips so you can grab the chair. Using the support of the arms, try to raise your body vertically. Let your buttocks peel off the seat. Hold for about five to six seconds. Do the exercise 12 times. For it to have an effect, do series of 12 exercises two or three times a day.

5. Feet turned inwards

The reason for this problem can hardly be summed up in one or two sentences. The most common causes of this incorrect posture are various bone deformities, weak shin muscles and weak knees. It is not excluded that the posture is a signal of the presence of arthritis.

Problem Solving Exercise:

Lie on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your heels together. Try to lift the knee up without peeling off the feet and, if possible, the hips. The movement is reminiscent of the opening of a clam. Hold for five seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the exercise 12 times. It is recommended to do three sets of 12 exercises every day.

6. Duck Feet

Similar to inverted feet (over 10 degrees). And here the problem can be sought in a very wide range of possible problems. Most often, incorrect posture can be a consequence of weak hip muscles and cartilage.

Problem Solving Exercise:

Stand in a push-up position. Let your feet rest on a stability ball. Without settling your waist and lower back, try to lift your whole legs. It’s like you’re going to throw the ball toward your body. Hold for one to two seconds, then return to the starting position. Do two three sets of 12 reps.

The sooner you correct bad posture, the less health problems you will have in the future. And besides, you will look much better, and you yourself, feeling your upright posture, will feel much more confident. Try these corrective exercises and share with us if you felt their effect.

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