
7 tips on what to replace unhealthy food with to lose weight

Achieving a flat stomach becomes difficult.

And how do you give up sweets if you want to keep your slim figure?

A compromise can always be found. Here we will give you 7 tips on how to deal with dangerous high calorie foods and what to replace them with to lose weight.

What to replace ice cream with

There are at least 230 calories in one ice cream – and that is provided that it is not abundantly covered with syrup, chocolate and other additives, nor I have crushed wafers inside.

So instead of regular ice cream, try replacing it with frozen fruit cream. It contains only 100 calories.

It will be even better if you replace the ice cream with frozen fruit. They can be eaten like chips, but there is nothing harmful in them, only useful substances!

What can replace chips?

Just 15 pieces of chips contain a whopping 160 calories. But who stops eating chips after the 15th delicious bite? Add a few tablespoons of sauce or ketchup, and there you have an additional 60 calories and 5 grams of fat.

Instead of chips, eat popcorn without butter. The same 160 calories, but contained in six servings!

What can replace beer to lose weight?

There are 150 calories in a glass of beer. More calories than even snacks. If you can’t resist, choose light types of beer – they contain less than 50 calories.

What to replace red meat with

In your dreams, there is a big juicy steak that covers the whole plate? It will bring you more than 1000 calories and 37 grams of fat in their harmful saturated forms.

And that’s without counting the sauces and side dishes. If you want just the meat, follow these rules – first, cut out all the fat, and second, the steak should be no bigger than the palm of your hand without the fingers.

However, it is better to replace the steak with meat from chicken or fish.

What can replace pizza

Pizza can be quite a healthy food. But not if you prefer pizza with pepperoni, salami, sausages, ham or other meat.

Remember that one slice of pizza has 300 calories. Replace meat with vegetables: they have more fiber and nutrients, and if topped with them, a slice of pizza contains less than 100 calories.

What can we replace high-calorie hamburgers with?

The big burger, logically, has more calories. In some cases, they can even reach 1000 calories, and fat – 75 grams.

What to do if you think that your happiness will not be complete without burgers? Choose smaller hamburgers with diet meat or without meat.

Do not add sauce that is very high in fat and carbohydrates. This will save you a huge amount of calories!

What can we replace sugary sodas with to lose weight?

Just one small bottle of soft drink contains about 250 calories! Replace carbonated soft drinks with water, or at least add water to them in a two-to-one ratio.

If you are very thirsty and need something refreshing to drink, grab a cup of black coffee – it has practically no calories.

If you don’t like black coffee neat, add milk, but make sure it’s skimmed. That way, the calories in your cup won’t be more than a hundred.

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