
A happy woman – a happy life

Most of us have heard the phrase “Happy woman – happy life”. Is she really true?

A new study by American scientists answers positively this question and confirms – in long-term married relationships, a happy woman makes her husband happy, regardless of how he himself evaluates this marriage.

The results of previous research show the beneficial effects of a happy marriage on health.

More specifically, a recent study found a link between a good relationship between spouses and a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies have also been published showing that family happiness depends to the greatest extent on the woman.

The latest study, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, Professor Deborah Carr and Professor Vicki Friedman jointly conducted the study and analyzed data from another study that assessed marital quality and the feeling of happiness in the elderly.

Professor Carr points out that a happy woman is willing to do anything for her man, thereby having a positive impact on his life as well.

The authors claim that their study differs from all previous ones in that it is aimed at studying the personal feelings of both spouses and an attempt is made to establish how their personal feelings influence the feeling of psychological well-being in marital relations.

In this study, the authors analyzed data from 394 couples in which at least one spouse was over 60 years of age. On average, these couples had been married for 39 years.

The authors asked the participants questions such as: “Do you value your wife or husband?”, “How often do you argue?”, “Do you understand your spouse’s feelings?”, “Do you often get angry with him?” etc.

Overall, the participating married couples were high in life satisfaction, and men generally rated their marital relationships slightly more positively than their wives.

However, the authors also found that in the case of the man’s illness, the woman observed a sharp decrease in the feeling of happiness. And the man’s illness hardly changed the indicator of his happiness.


Professor Carr explains that this is probably related to the fact that usually the wife is actively involved in caring for her sick husband. And if the wife is sick, most often it is not her husband who takes care of her, but the daughter.

Summarizing the results of their research, the authors note that they did not find a significant relationship between spouses’ evaluations of each other and their individual sense of well-being.

However, a relationship between the wife’s assessment of the quality of the marriage and the husband’s overall life satisfaction was present – men had a higher quality of life if their wives rated their marriage as happy and a low quality of life when their women considered their marital relationships to be of poor quality.

The authors believe that their study highlights important moments in family life and defines the protective effect that marital relationships have on the health of elderly people.

Professor Carr adds that a quality and happy marriage is a buffer against stress that comes from the world around us and helps us deal with it with minimal damage to our health.

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