Anemia – what is it
Anemia is a condition in which the erythrocyte concentration in the blood is low.
Anemia can also be present when the red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives blood its red color, but its main function is to carry oxygen through red blood cells from the lungs to the rest of the body.
If you suffer from anemia, the cells that make up your body are not getting enough oxygen.
As a result, you are likely to feel constantly tired and run down. Other symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness or headache may also occur.
Severe or prolonged anemia can damage the heart, brain, and other organs in the body. If the anemia is very severe, it can even lead to a fatal outcome.
Causes of anemia in men and women
A diagnostic criterion for anemia is a decrease in hemoglobin concentrations in the blood to a level below 130 grams per liter, and in women below 120 g/l.
Statistically, it is found less frequently in men, as women are physiologically predisposed to this disease.
The causes of anemia can vary depending on a person’s gender. In women, one of the common factors leading to anemia is related to menstruation.
On the other hand, in men, anemia is most often the result of chronic diseases and impaired functions of various body systems.
Some of the main causes of anemia in men include chronic kidney disease, liver disease, digestive system disease, cancer, and chronic inflammatory conditions.
What are the characteristic symptoms
One of the additional symptoms of anemia is shortness of breath or dyspnea. People with anemia may feel suffocated or need more air when performing physical efforts.
This is related to the reduced concentration of oxygen in the blood, due to a reduced number of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues of the body.
Another common symptom of anemia is dizziness or confusion. People may experience a mild headache sensation or even experience more serious headaches.
This is due to the reduced supply of oxygen to the brain, which can lead to a temporary disruption of the normal function of the nervous system.
Cold extremities are also common symptoms of anemia. Due to reduced blood circulation and insufficient oxygen, extremities such as hands and feet may feel cold and have a slower pulse.
One of the visible manifestations of anemia is pale skin. The person may look paler than usual, especially on the face and mucous membranes, such as the lips and eyelids.
This is the result of a reduced amount of red blood cells, which normally give the skin a pink tint.
Chest pains are another symptom of anemia. People may experience mild to moderate chest pain due to the increased work of the heart trying to compensate for the insufficient amount of blood and oxygen in the body.
Although mild to moderate anemia may not present with obvious symptoms, some people may still experience mild symptoms.
They are usually not a serious discomfort and may include mild fatigue, reduced endurance in physical activity and mild dizziness.
If anemia is suspected or if symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor.
The diagnosis of anemia is established by a blood test, assessing the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells.
The doctor can recommend appropriate treatment, which usually includes taking iron or other appropriate nutritional supplements, according to the cause and severity of the anemia.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also essential to help treat anemia.
This includes eating food rich in iron, vitamins and minerals, as well as regular exercise.
In some cases, when anemia is caused by another underlying disease, it may be necessary to treat the underlying disease to correct the anemia.
In some people, anemia can cause arrhythmia, which is a severe deviation from the normal heart rhythm.
Over time, if the necessary measures are not taken, the arrhythmia is very likely to damage the heart and eventually lead to heart failure.
Anemia can also cause damage to other organs, because the blood will not be able to supply them with enough oxygen.
Anemia can cause many other health problems. People who have kidney disease and anemia are very likely to develop heart problems as well.
Some types of anemia are characterized by the fact that the body loses too much fluid and becomes severely dehydrated, and this can be life-threatening.
How is this condition treated
The goal of treatment is to increase the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. This is achieved by increasing the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin.
Another possible goal of treatment is to treat the underlying cause of the anemia.
Treatment that is appropriate depends on the type, cause and stage of the disease.It may include major changes in diet , intake of food supplements and medicines.
The lack of vitamins and iron in the food that you usually take can be one of the possible reasons for developing the disease.
Therefore, in the case of anemia, when the cause of it is established, it is recommended to change the way of eating or to take nutritional supplements, including in the daily menu foods rich in vitamins and containing iron, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin B9, also called folic acid.
Sometimes in the case of anemia, vitamin C is also prescribed, which helps the body absorb the iron taken in with food.
Your body needs iron to keep your hemoglobin level normal. Your body can absorb iron much more easily from meat than from vegetables and other foods.
To treat anemia, it is recommended to eat more meat, especially red meat such as beef and veal, as well as chicken, turkey, pork, fish and shrimp.