
Anorgasmia in women

Anorgasmia is a medical term used to describe a condition characterized by frequent difficulty reaching orgasm after sufficient sexual stimulation, causing personal distress.

The condition is quite common and is thought to affect more women than thought. Every woman differs in how often she reaches orgasm and what sexual stimulation is needed to experience it.

In reality less than 1/3 of women have an orgasm during sex. In addition, the conditions for reaching orgasm change with age, due to medical problems or the use of certain medications.

If you feel satisfied after sex, no need to worry.

However, if you are concerned about not being able to reach the end or not being able to feel the pleasure you used to experience during sex, seek medical help.

What are the symptoms?

An orgasm is a strong sexual arousal accompanied by a feeling of pleasure, accompanied by involuntary, rhythmic contractions of the lower pelvic muscles.

Some women do feel pelvic contractions or twitching movements of the uterine muscles with each orgasm, but for others the experience is different.

And still others describe the sensation as a jolt of pleasure that is felt throughout the body, while still others recreate the sensation as a pleasant tickle.

By definition, the main symptoms of the condition are a complete inability or the need for excessive sexual stimulation to reach orgasm.

There are different forms of anorgasmia in women:

• Primary form – the woman has never had an orgasm in her life;

• Secondary form – the woman has experienced an orgasm, but from a certain point on she fails to reach the end.

• Situational form – the woman is able to have an orgasm only in the presence of certain conditions, for example through masturbation and oral sexual stimulation.

This is a very common condition in women. In fact, most women can only reach orgasm with strong sexual stimulation of the clitoris.

Generalized form – the woman is unable to reach orgasm under any conditions;

Treatment of anorgasmia in women

Increasing sexual stimulation – many of the women who never reached orgasm did not manage to achieve strong enough sexual arousal.

Most women need direct or indirect sexual stimulation of the clitoris to reach orgasm, but not all of them realize this.

More frequent changing of positions during intercourse can cause stronger clitoral stimulation; some positions also allow the woman and her partner to gently touch the clitoris during sex.

Using a vibrator during intercourse can also help a woman reach orgasm.

Medical treatment

Treatment of disease causing anorgasm – if a clinical condition prevents a woman from becoming sufficiently aroused, then starting therapy to cure it can restore her ability to reach orgasm;

• At the discretion of the attending physician, hormonal therapy with progesterone and estrogen can be prescribed, but the expected result is not always achieved, since synthetic hormones burden the liver and can become the cause of worsening the general state of health.

Therefore, the risks of possible long-term side effects and the likelihood of achieving a result and restoring the ability to reach orgasm must be weighed before undertaking such treatment.

Testosterone therapy – although it is a male sex hormone, it is also secreted in small quantities by the ovaries of women and plays an important role in female sexual function, especially for sexual desire and, accordingly, its insufficient amounts contributes to reduced libido and inability to achieve maximum sexual arousal and reach orgasm.

This therapy is used only if estrogens and progesterone do not work and the woman is not able to reach the end.

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