

Besides a pleasant and sweet taste, apricots have many useful and curative properties.
Apricot contains 20-27% sugars, organic acids – salicylic , apple, lemon.

These fruits are rich in potassium salts /350 mg. potassium is contained in fresh fruits, and in dried fruits it varies from 1 to 1717 mg/, strengthening heart function, calcium /participates in the formation of tissues/, iron /increases hemoglobin levels in the blood/.

Apricots show their healing properties in diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and obesity.

Nutritional value of apricot

The nutritional index of the soft part of the apricot is in first place among stone fruits. 1 apricot, which is about 28 grams, contains about 13 kilocalories, 3 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of sugars and 1 gram of ballast substances or fiber.

100 grams of apricot fruit contain up to 260 mg. compounds from the flavonoid group that help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have antibacterial and anti-radiation properties;

Pectins contribute to the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and radioactive particles from the body. Apricots are also a good source of vitamins P, A, B1, B2, B6 and other antibacterial substances.

These fruits contain sugars, which are the most accessible source of energy for the human body, vitamins, minerals, pectins, tannins – in short, everything that is necessary for the normal performance of the basic vital functions of our body.

The yellow color of the fruits is given by beta carotene, the content of which in apricots is very high. This compound is very important for maintaining good vision and healthy skin.

Potassium salts in apricots, in addition to being beneficial for the good condition of the cardiovascular system, also have a diuretic effect, both in raw and dry state.

Due to the high content of magnesium and iron salts, fresh and dried apricots are recommended to be included in the diet of hypertensives and those suffering from anemia.

One of the most useful properties of apricot fruits is that they help to improve memory and increase brain activity, which is undoubtedly important for people engaged in intellectual work, for students and for students.


Apricots are very useful for growing children, as they contain carotene, and also for people with impaired functions of the central nervous system, with diseases of the skin and eye mucous membranes.

Fresh apricot fruits are preferably eaten raw.

Do not prepare apricots as compotes, jams or marmalade. Apricot juice is also useful, it is preferable to prepare it with an electric juicer and drink it for 3-4 minutes.

The significant amount of iron in apricots determines their healing properties for people suffering from anemia.

It has been established that 100 grams of apricots have the same effect on the hematopoietic process as 40 grams of iron in the form of a food supplement or 250 grams of fresh liver.

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