
Arterial thrombosis

What is arterial thrombosis?

Arterial thrombosis is a condition in which blood clots in an artery. A condition characterized as very dangerous, as it is possible to block the flow of blood to important organs.

Depending on the site of clot formation, arterial thrombosis can cause very serious conditions such as:

  • Infarction – blood flow to the heart is affected;
  • Stroke – a certain part of the brain remains without blood supply;
  • Peripheral arterial disease in which blood flow to the legs is affected.

Who are the people at risk of arterial thrombosis?

Arterial thrombosis is a serious condition that can have serious health consequences and even lead to fatal cases.

Although some risk factors for thrombosis cannot be controlled, there are steps and lifestyle changes that can help reduce the likelihood of developing it.</ em>

Awareness of risk factors is key to taking precautions. In most cases, arterial thrombosis develops as a result of damage to the arteries caused by atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is characterized by the obligatory presence of plaques on the inner walls of the arteries, which contain calcium, cholesterol and other materials.

Over time, these plaques can harden and narrow the lumen of the artery.

When the plaques rupture or burst, it can lead to the formation of a blood clot, which can block the artery and cause serious problems.

People who are at increased risk of arterial thrombosis usually have several characteristics and factors in common.

Excessive fat intake in food can contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol and the formation of plaques in the arteries.

Also, smoking disrupts normal blood circulation and increases the risk of arterial thrombosis by promoting inflammation and increasing blood clotting.

Excessive alcohol intake can also increase the risk of arterial thrombosis by raising blood pressure and causing inflammation in the vascular system.

Overweight and lack of physical activity are also among the factors that can increase the likelihood of arterial thrombosis.

Diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2, is also a significant risk factor for arterial thrombosis.

Unregulated sugar metabolism can lead to damage to artery walls and promote plaque formation.

High blood pressure and high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) are also associated with an increased risk of arterial thrombosis.

These factors can affect the health of the vascular system and increase the likelihood of blood clots.

As age increases, the risks of arterial thrombosis increase. Older people are more at risk because of the accumulation of age-related changes in the vascular system and the presence of other risk factors that may develop over the years.

Lifestyle changes, including healthy eating, physical activity, smoking cessation and regular health check-ups with a doctor, can greatly help reduce the risk of arterial thrombosis and related cardiovascular disease.

Treatment of Arterial Thrombosis

Arterial thrombosis is treated at the discretion of a medical professional with medication or surgery.

In some cases, treatment with thrombolytic drugs or thrombolytics is prescribed and these are used to dissolve the blood clot and resume blood flow in the artery.

Thrombolytics are, for example, the drugs ateplase and reteplase. Medicines, if they are taken immediately after the heart attack or stroke.

Surgical treatment

Surgery for arterial thrombosis aims to unblock an artery blocked by a thrombus or to redirect blood flow around the site of the clot.

Which of the operations to apply is judged depending on how severe the patient’s condition is and exactly where the blockage is. Surgical interventions are:

  • Placing a stent – a metal hollow tube called a stent is inserted into the blocked artery and placed to widen the artery and prevent future blockage.
  • Bypass – a blood vessel is taken from another part of the body and placed in such a way as to bypass the site of the blood clot.
  • If the blood clot is in the neck it is possible to also required an operation called a carotid endarterectomy. The surgeon makes an incision in the neck area and removes plaque from the artery.

How to reduce the risk of arterial thrombosis?

The risk of thrombosis cannot be completely prevented, but there are ways to be limited:

  • If your ‘bad’ cholesterol is high, you should regularly take medicines such as statins that you have been prescribed.
  • Taking blood thinners blood are also useful such as warfarin or antiplatelet drugs such as low doses of aspirin or clopidogrel.

You will reduce the risk of arterial thrombosis and prevent any cardiovascular disease altogether if:

  • Stop smoking;
  • Limit the daily intake of salt to the levels useful for the human body – about 2 grams per day;
  • Gradually eliminate fatty foods from the menu, especially those with saturated fats;
  • Eat at least an apple a day or other fruits or vegetables;
  • Maintain moderate physical activity for a minimum of 150 minutes per week. You can practice cycling, swimming, jogging or just vigorously clean your home several times a week.

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