
Chicken pox

Chickenpox – what it is

Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease that mostly affects children. Its other name is lentil, because the rash that appears on the skin of the patient resembles a lentil grain.

The cause is the Varicellazostervirus, which is transmitted primarily through the air when the infected person sneezes or coughs. Another way to get infected is by touching the blisters or pus of the smallpox patient.

This disease manifests as a highly itchy red rash that appears as pimples and boils all over the body usually in children.

Symptoms of the disease

Chickenpox begins with symptoms that can be easily confused with those of the common flu. Fever, headache and sore throat are the first signs that can cause alarm.

These symptoms are usually mild and can be easily missed, especially in children who often ignore these initial symptoms and continue with their daily activities.

After about two days, however, a rash appears, usually starting on the abdomen. This is the moment when many parents begin to suspect that something is wrong.

The rash may be mildly itchy at first, but over time the itching may become more intense.

A few days after the first pimples, the rash spreads over the whole body. This includes the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the genitals, the hairy part of the head.

This spread can be extremely uncomfortable for those infected, especially if the itching becomes more severe.

Just a few hours after the pimples appear, they turn into pus-filled bubbles called vesicles.

These blisters can be extremely painful and very itchy. The itching can be so intense that it interferes with normal activities and sleep.

It is important to know that scratching the blisters can lead to infection and scarring. Therefore, it is important to take measures to relieve itching and prevent scratching.

Chickenpox treatment

Chickenpox is usually milder in children, and the rash may not cover the entire body. However, children should be watched carefully as the itching and discomfort can be difficult for them.

It is important to explain to children the importance of not scratching the blisters to prevent infection and scarring.

Doctors usually prescribe patients to stay at home for about 10 days. This is the time the body needs to recover from the disease.

During this period, it is important to allow enough time for rest and recovery.

The rash should be treated three times a day with menthol, which disinfects the skin and burns the pus bubbles, which helps reduce itching.

This is an important aspect of symptom management and should be strictly followed.

In addition, it is important to limit the combing of bubbles. In younger children, it is good to trim the nails to prevent scratching the blisters from itching.

This can be difficult, especially for young children, but it is important to prevent infections.

In this contagious disease, the rash can also cover the inside of the mouth, which can make eating painful.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid taking spicy and acidic foods. The patient’s menu should mainly include fruits, vegetables and light, more liquid foods.

Most treating doctors also prescribe vitamins in the form of nutritional supplements to support the immune system

Important things for chickenpox sufferers

On no account should a person affected by this disease come into contact with pregnant women who have not had smallpox, as the probability of transmission of the infection from a sick person to a person who has not had chickenpox is 80%.

It is particularly dangerous to infect a pregnant woman, because she can transmit the causative virus to the fetus, and this in the first three months of pregnancy can cause severe malformations.< /p>

A frequent complication of the disease is the re-infection of the pus bubbles, as a result of their rupture during scratching, and from this inflammation it is possible to inflame the surrounding tissue around the rash.

Sometimes as a result of the disease it is possible to develop upper respiratory tract diseases such as purulent angina and sinusitis. There are also cases where the ear becomes inflamed (otitis).

It is important to know that after a person has had chicken pox once, the body builds lifelong immunity against the virus that causes the disease, and we must accept that it is better to spend this disease as a child, since it passes more slightly and the likelihood of developing complications is lower.

In some countries, the mandatory immunization calendar includes a vaccine against the virus that causes chicken pox, but in Bulgaria it is not even included in the list of vaccines intended for legal use.

The patient’s organism copes with the disease on its own, the main task of the treatment is rather to relieve the symptoms of the disease and support the immune system of the infected person, thus shortening the recovery time.

Chickenpox can be challenging, but with proper care and proper treatment, it usually resolves without serious complications.

It is important to monitor the symptoms and see a doctor at the first signs.

Maintaining hygiene and avoiding scratching the rash can help prevent infection.

Getting the right food and vitamins can support the immune system and speed recovery.

Finally, it is always a good idea to consult a medical professional about the best strategies for dealing with chicken pox.

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