


Claustrophobia is an irrational fear of enclosed spaces and is thought to affect around 10% of the EU population.

Some of those affected react with only mild anxiety when they are in an enclosed space, while others experience severe anxiety or panic attacks.

The most characteristic sensation experienced by those affected is a sense or fear of losing control.

Many different situations or sensations can trigger this irrational fear. Even the thought of certain situations without those actually affected having fallen into them.

The most common triggers for falling into a state of fear of closed spaces are:

• Elevators;
• Tunnels;
• Revolving doors;
• Public toilets;
• Central locking cars;
• Car washes;
• Changing rooms in clothing stores;
• Hotel rooms with closed windows;
• Airplanes;

If you have felt anxious in the past 6 months when you have been in closed spaces or crowded places, or if you have avoided closed spaces and busy places for this reason, then you are probably affected by this phobia .

Physical symptoms

Panic attacks are common among affected people.

They can be very scary and distressing, and symptoms often appear without any prior signs.

In addition to an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, a panic attack can cause:

• Sweating;
• Shaking;
• Hot flashes or chills;
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing;
• Feeling of suffocation;
• Fast heart rate ;
• Chest pain or tightness in the chest;
• Feeling of butterflies in the stomach;
• Nausea;
• Headache and dizziness;
• Fainting;
br/> • Tingling or tingling;
• Dry mouth;
• Sudden strong need to urinate or defecate;
• Ringing in the ears;
• Feeling confused and disoriented ;

Psychological symptoms

• Fear of losing control;
• Fear of fainting;
• Feeling of dread;
• Fear of death;

What are the causes?

Many cases of claustrophobia are caused by experiencing a traumatic event in childhood.

For example, in adulthood a person may develop a fear of closed spaces if he was bullied or abused as a child; he was constantly punished and during the execution of the punishment he was kept in a closed space.

Fear of enclosed spaces can be due to unpleasant experiences or situations such as turbulence in flight or an accident and staying too long in a narrow railway tunnel.

Sometimes the children of people affected by the phobia also develop it, seeing how they are unable to help their parent whom they love very much.

Treatment for claustrophobia

Most people with a phobia are fully aware of it.

Many people live with this fear of enclosed spaces without being formally diagnosed and taking special precautions to avoid being in enclosed spaces.

However, in such cases, a consultation with a personal physician or specialist in behavioral therapy, as well as with a psychologist, may be useful.

Fear of enclosed spaces can be successfully treated or cured by gradual exposure to the situation provoking the disturbing behavior.

As a technique, it is classified as desensitization therapy or self-exposure. One can try it on their own by reading some self-help techniques or with the help of a professional.

Cognitive behavioral therapy /CBT/ is very effective for people with phobias.

CBT is a type of counseling in which the patient’s thoughts, feelings and behavior are examined and, based on the examination, practical ways are developed to effectively deal with the phobia.

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