Cryptitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the Morganian crypts or anal sinuses/anatomical depressions/ in the anal part of the rectum.
Anal sinuses with their upper part are connected to the rectum, and in the lower part they are covered with semilunar valves.
On the lower surface of the crypts are also the openings of the channels of the anal glands. Due to the poor drainage of the crypt, it is possible to block the opening of the anal gland.
An inflammatory process can also develop from mechanical trauma.
The depth of each crypt is individual. The most prone to the development of an inflammatory process are deep crypts.
In addition, the development of a bacterial infection is possible due to retention of feces.
Chronic diarrhea and constipation cause mechanical damage to the crypts from feces and contribute to the retention of pathogenic microflora.
Acute cryptitis very easily progresses to chronic due to abnormal crypt drainage, recurrent infections, and regular trauma when defecating or holding stool.
Prolonged severe inflammation of the anal sinuses creates a risk of developing complications such as proctitis, paraproctitis and rectal cancer.
What are the symptoms?
The disease is manifested by pain in the anus, especially during defecation. The painful sensation can be of different nature and intensity from mild and dull to burning and piercing.
Sometimes patients complain of a burning sensation, heaviness in the rectum, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body.
Those affected often also notice streaks of blood in their stools. The discharge of pus from the anus is usually accompanied by intense anal itching.
Hyperthermia is not characteristic. With the formation of an abscess, the pain becomes pulsating and intensifies.
Since pain is often associated with defecation, patients tend to delay emptying their bowels, which worsens their condition and develops spasm of the anal sphincter.
In case of removal of the etiological factor and restoration of normal crypt drainage, clinical symptoms subside, and in case of acute inflammation and recovery.
Prolonged inflammatory process can also involve other anal sinuses, spreading to the mucous membrane of the wall of the rectum, as well as in its deep layers.
The chronic form of the disease proceeds in waves, periods of remission are replaced by exacerbations caused by various disorders in the formation of feces, trauma to the wall of the large intestine and by a general weakening of the body’s defenses.
Treatment of cryptitis
When inflammation of the anal sinuses is uncomplicated, it is subject to conservative treatment by a proctologist.
To reduce the irritating effect of feces on the mucous membrane of the rectum, salty, sour dishes, alcohol and bitter foods are excluded from the patients’ menu.
In order to maintain a normal rhythm and character of the stools, lean, non-fatty foods, well cooked or steamed, sufficient fluid intake, cooked vegetables and whole grains are recommended to prevent constipation.
Laxatives for constipation are not recommended, it is imperative that the bowels are released with the help of an enema.
Laxatives can cause excessively soft stools, more frequent bowel movements, and further inflammation and swelling of the lining of the rectum.
Patients are recommended to maintain very good hygiene of the anal area, washing with warm water is necessary after defecation.
Daily anal baths with warm water 37-38 degrees Celsius with potassium permanganate solution are also imperative.