
Depression in men

From the earliest moments of childhood, men are taught by their parents, grandparents to keep their emotions and feelings under control and to avoid discussing and expressing them.

And until recently, it seemed that everything was normal and there was no problem with people raising their sons this way.

Until recently, the incidence of men being diagnosed with depression was only about one-tenth that of women.

However, new research shows that what men are really good at is hiding their feelings, and quite successfully. According to the latest scientific theories, depression in men has always been a much more common phenomenon than was thought by society as a whole.

Depression is a dangerous disease that affects people of all genders, ages, social classes, regardless of income. Each year,at least 7% of men in the United States suffer from depression.

This percentage corresponds to approximately 6 million men, or the population of an entire state. However, the actual number may be even much higher, as diagnosing depression in men is very difficult and they are not particularly inclined to seek help from a specialist.

The most important and main factors that trigger depression in most people are several. In short, you are at greater risk of depression if:

– you have suffered from depression in the past;
– if you have close family members with depression;
– if you are one of the people with the lowest income level;

Depression is also much more common in people who have other illnesses, such as:

– cancer
– diabetes
– cardiovascular disease
– stroke
Treatment of depression can sometimes improve the overall condition of patients suffering these diseases.

The most serious consequence of depression in men is suicide. Men account for a staggering 80% of suicides in the US, and although women are more likely to attempt suicide, men are four times more likely to achieve their goal and the suicide death rate is many times that of women.

What is so-called “male depression”?

First of all, men should know that depression is not a sign of weakness or a lack of masculinity. This is not a disease typical of women.

Depression is a problem for millions of people around the world. If a man does not treat his depression, it can deepen and bring with it a number of other health problems, including cardiovascular disease.

Of course, here we have to distinguish depressed moods from depression. These moods happen to every person, but they gradually pass by themselves.

However, if the unpleasant symptoms persist without improvement and the feeling of hopelessness does not go away, then you should seek help.

Unfortunately, depression in men can often be overlooked because it is much harder for them to talk about their feelings.

Instead, men are more likely to focus on the physical symptoms that often accompany depression, such as back pain, headaches, sleep disorders, or sexual problems.

This can allow depression to deepen and cause serious consequences. In fact, depressed men are four times more likely to take their own lives than women.

This is why it is important for everyone to seek help for depression before feelings of despair become too strong and lead to suicidal thoughts.

You should talk about it quite honestly with a friend, loved one or doctor and share what is going on in your mind and body. Once properly diagnosed, there are many things you can do to successfully treat and manage depression.


Depression in men can express itself with the same symptoms as in women, but it can also be completely different.

Some men experience symptoms such as excessive propensity for risky and life-threatening experiences, excessive alcohol consumption, aggressive behavior, and others.

It can be said that depression in men is more dangerous than that in women precisely because they are less likely to seek help, talk about their feelings and because of the tendency to try to mask them with other behavior.


The most distinguishing marks in men are, as we said before, physical pain, aggression and risky behavior.

Differences between depression in men and women:

– women blame themselves; men blame others;

– women feel sad, apathetic and have low self-esteem; men feel angry and irritable;

– women feel scared and anxious; men – cautious and ready for self-defense;

– depressed women avoid conflicts at all costs; depressed men often create conflicts;

– women may feel nervous and at the same time with delayed reactions; men – restless and constantly nervously excited;

– depressed women may feel distant and have difficulty setting boundaries; men may experience a compulsive desire to control everything;

– women find it easy and relaxing to talk about their problems; men consider it a sign of weakness and it scares them;

– women need a lot of food, friends and a feeling of love; men seek alcohol, television, sports and sex;

What are the most common causes of depression in men?

Stress at work, at school or at home plays a huge role;

– Marital and relationship problems;

– Inability to achieve important goals;

– The loss or change of work;

– Going to military service;

– Constant money problems;

– Health problems, such as chronic illness, injury, disability;

– Recently quit smoking;

– The death of a loved one;

– Family responsibilities such as taking care of children, spouse, parents;

– Aging;

– Retirement;

– Loss of independence;

Depression and erectile dysfunction

Impotence or erectile dysfunction is not only a result of depression in men, it can also be a side effect of many antidepressants.

Men with sexual function problems are almost twice as likely to develop depression because of their problem. Depression itself also increases the risk of erectile dysfunction.

Many men are reluctant to admit the existence of sexual problems. They think it’s a reflection of their masculinity, not a health problem caused by depression.


Don’t try to treat depression on your own.

It takes courage to seek help, but most people with depression respond well to treatment, such as lifestyle changes, social support, therapy with or without medication, and a combination of different ways.

The first step is to consult your doctor. Be open about how you’re feeling, as well as the physical symptoms you’re experiencing, so your doctor or therapist can make an accurate diagnosis and help you in the best way possible.

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