
Do onions and fresh milk protect against Ebola?

Ebola virus and the disease it causes in humans Ebola hemorrhagic fever continues to spread in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea, with isolated cases so far diagnosed in Spain and the United States.

Health officials fear that myths and misinformation may continue to grip people’s minds, creating misconceptions and delusions about the possibility of contracting and running the sometimes deadly disease.

Hemorrhagic fever, which the virus causes, has claimed the lives of 2,800 people so far, and experts say that the main part of fighting the disease is to make people aware of the facts.

Below we look at some of the rumors surrounding Ebola – from false claims about miracle onions to condensed milk.

MYTH #1: Salt water or raw onions can protect you.

The truth is that raw onions are not the secret weapon against the disease. And salt water alone cannot prevent infection with the Ebola virus.

In fact, drinking salt water especially in hot conditions can be really dangerous.

WHO reports that at least 2 people have died in Nigeria from following this practice, believing it could protect them from acquiring the disease.

Health workers in Guinea answered positively when asked if they had eaten raw onions for 3 or more days consumed condensed milk daily.

Although following a diet that includes healthy and nutritious food can keep you completely healthy, raw onions and milk do not prevent you from getting the infection.

Ebola is spread through close contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person – for example, the virus is present in vomited stomach contents, urine, tears or saliva.

People can protect and protect themselves by avoiding close contact with those showing signs or symptoms of the disease.

MYTH #2: You cannot get Ebola from someone who has died of hemorrhagic fever.

Close contact with deceased persons should be avoided because even when someone has died from Ebola hemorrhagic fever, the virus may still be present in the blood or tissues.

Health officials are concerned because the disease could spread during traditional burial practices that involve contact with the deceased.

WHO recommends that people who have died of Ebola be handled using strong protective clothing and gloves and they should be buried immediately.

Officials recommend that burials be conducted by people who have received training on how to stop the infection and prevent its further spread.

MYTH #3: Infection cannot occur through sexual contact.

If a person is infected with Ebola, the virus can also spread in their body fluids, including men’s semen.

And the infectious organism can remain in the seminal fluid for 7 weeks after recovery, even if doctors have confirmed that the viruses are no longer present in the blood of the already recovered.

Anyone who has recovered from Ebola should use condoms during this period.

MYTH #4: Healthcare workers are the source of the virus infection in affected countries

There is some mistrust of foreign doctors who assist local authorities in the fight against Ebola.

Recent reports indicate that medical professionals in Guinea were attacked because local residents believed they had brought the Ebola virus into their country.

MYTH #5: Expensive hand sanitizers are needed to kill the insidious virus

Frequent hand washing with simple soap and water can prevent the spread of infection without the need for any expensive preparations.

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