

Folliculitis is a common skin condition in which hair follicles become inflamed. This is usually due to a bacterial or fungal infection.

Initially, small red bumps or pimples with white tips appear around the hair follicles – small pockets from which each individual hair grows.

The infection can spread and become non-healing crusted sores.

The disease is not life-threatening, but it may cause itching, pain and discomfort.

Severe infections can cause hair loss and scarring after the inflammatory process subsides.

If the disease is in a mild form, it will most likely resolve itself within a few days with the application of some measures at home.

But for more serious and recurring folliculitis, a consultation with a doctor is recommended.

What are the symptoms?

• A collection of small red bumps or pimples with white tips appearing around hair follicles.

• Pus-filled blisters that burst with a little more pressure on their upper side;

• Red and inflamed skin;

• Itching or burning of the skin;

• Sensitivity or pain in the affected area of ​​the skin;

• Large swollen uneven surfaces;

Seek medical attention if the disease has covered large areas of the skin or if its characteristic manifestations do not disappear within a few days.

An antibiotic or antifungal medication may be needed to help control the infection.

Types of surface forms of the disease:

• Bacterial form – this is the most common type of the disease, characterized by itching, pus-filled bumps.

When the beard area of ​​a person is affected, then the clinical condition is referred to as jock itch. It most often occurs as a result of infection with bacteria, usually Staphylococcus aureus.

Staphylococcal bacteria inhabit human skin permanently and are part of its microflora. But they can cause problems if they enter the body through a wound or cut.

• Hot tub or pseudonomas – caused by pseudonomas bacteria.

A person can be exposed to these bacteria in many places, such as in hot tubs and heated pools where the chlorine concentration and ph of the water are not well regulated.

A rash of red, round, itchy bumps usually develops about 1-4 days after exposure to the bacteria. It is possible that the skin lesions subsequently progress into small pus-filled blisters/pustules.

• Pseudofolliculitis of beard hair – is inflammation due to ingrown hairs and is most noticeable on the face and neck.

It is also possible to develop in the groin area if the skin is not moisturized enough when shaving or hair removal is too rough.

• Pityrosporum folliculitis – it is most common among teenagers and men of mature age.

It is caused by a fungal infection and causes a chronic appearance of red, itchy, pus-filled pimples on the back and chest, and sometimes on the neck, shoulders, upper arms and face.

Treatment of folliculitis

Mild cases respond well to treatment at home.

For this purpose, you can do the following:

• Apply a warm, moist cloth or compress to the affected area of ​​skin. Do this procedure several times a day. Moisten the cloth in a salt water solution – 1 teaspoon of table salt in 500 ml. water or 2 glasses;

• Try applying to the affected area different creams, ointments and ointments, and you can consult the pharmacist in the pharmacy in this regard;

Apply skin-soothing lotions. Try soothing itchy skin with an oatmeal lotion or over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.

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