
Generalized anxiety

General Anxiety

Do you ever worry about things that are objectively unlikely to happen? Or even more unpleasant – experiencing a constant feeling of anxiety throughout the day for no real reason?

Anyone can experience anxiety but when it starts to interfere with your normal way of life, disturbs your peace of mind and harasses you, then it is most likely generalized anxiety disorder.

Generalized anxiety disorder is very debilitating for the sufferer. It saps your energy, prevents you from falling asleep, and when you finally drift off, the sleep is somewhat anxious and has no real relaxing power.

All of this wears your body down and literally knocks you out. The good news is that this condition can be overcome and you can live a wonderful and fulfilling life again.

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition of general anxiety of a chronic nature, combined with a feeling of tension and nervous tension. Unlike phobias, where the fear is related to a certain thing or situations, generalized anxiety disorder has a floating and changeable character, focuses on different objects in a person’s life and affects his life as a whole.

Generalized anxiety disorder is much lower in intensity than panic disorder, but its downside is that it is quite long-lasting. It makes life difficult and overall stressful and relaxation impossible.

What is interesting about this case is that people with generalized anxiety worry about the same things that other people worry about – money, health, family, work – but with the difference that here the problem is transferred on a whole other level.

A colleague’s comment about layoffs at the company can poison your whole day, and a friend who doesn’t pick up the phone right away makes you think that something very bad has happened to him. Sometimes the very thought of starting a new day provokes anxiety in a person. You go through the day full of stress and tension, even when there is no reason that provoked them.

Whether you realize that your anxiety is exaggerated or not, the result is absolutely the same – negative thoughts march through your head and you cannot escape them in any way.

The difference between normal worry and generalized anxiety

Worry, fear and anxiety are a normal and constant part of life. Stress before graduation is normal, as well as nervousness when an unexpected bill appears that you have to pay soon.

With generalized anxiety, however, the worry is excessive, sometimes even obsessive. It is persistent over time and exhausts you.

For example, after watching a report about a terrorist attack in the Middle East, the average person may feel a temporary sense of anxiety and worry.

If you have generalized anxiety disorder, however, you may spend the night after that worrying, and then the day after that, imagining ridiculous scenarios in which your small hometown has fallen victim to terrorism.

It is characteristic that people with generalized anxiety report having better and worse days, calmer and less anxious periods of the day, and situations that normally stress everyone , in people with generalized anxiety disorder they simply worsen the already existing symptoms.

Also, different people may experience different symptoms – physical, emotional, behavioral.

Generalized anxiety in children

Yes, unfortunately this is possible. Very often, generalized anxiety disorder in adults began in childhood. You will recognize it by the child worrying too much about events that are far in the future, as well as by the manifestations of perfectionism, over-criticism and a tendency to blame themselves. One of the key symptoms is that they very often need confirmations and seek excessive approval.

Understand Generalized Anxiety Disorder

It may seem to you that generalized anxiety disorder is caused by external factors, but in fact, after the appearance of an external stimulus, a chain of reactions is triggered that is entirely internal.< /strong>

Actually, this generalized anxiety is a kind of dialogue with yourself, an internal dialogue that focuses on your fears of a certain turn of events.

All this makes you look for solutions to problems that haven’t happened and most likely won’t happen.

All this worrying might make you feel like you’re helping yourself in some way, but you’re not. In reality, it just drains your energy. Once you accept the idea that worrying will not help you, you can take the next steps in life.

Learn relaxation techniques

If you are struggling with generalized anxiety disorder, it is important to practice various relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and meditation.

All of these can teach you how to relax, and the key is regular practice. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes a day. When it strengthens your ability to relax, your nervous system will become less reactive and you will be less vulnerable to anxiety and everyday stress.

Over time, calmness will begin to come more and more easily, until you finally feel it as a natural state.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

When anxiety takes over, progressive muscle relaxation can help release tension in your muscles and get your worries out of your body.

The technique involves systematically tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body. As your body relaxes, your mind will follow.

Deep Breathing

When you’re nervous, you start breathing faster. This hyperventilation causes symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, numbness in the arms and legs. These physical symptoms are frightening, leading to further anxiety and panic. But with deep diaphragmatic breathing, you can overcome these symptoms and calm yourself down.


Many types of meditation have been shown to be effective in reducing anxiety. Focusing meditation, in particular, has shown remarkable results in alleviating anxiety symptoms.

Research shows that focusing meditation can actually change the processes that take place in your brain. With regular practice, meditation increases the activity of the left side of the prefrontal cortex – the area of ​​the brain responsible for feelings of calmness and joy.

Use your senses

– Look at pictures of beautiful places, take a walk in a beautiful landscape or a beautiful neighborhood, visit a gallery, watch impactful travel videos.

Listen to pleasant music, the sound of the waves, the song of the birds.

– Enjoy the aroma of the sea air, the trees in the park, the aroma of a pleasant perfume, of freshly baked bread.

– Enjoy the taste of a nice meal, pastry or drink.

– Enjoy the sensations that the body can bring you – a fresh breeze, a nice massage, a warm bath.

Follow these steps:

– Accept the anxiety. Don’t fight it, relax into the feeling. Surrender to him. By resisting, you only prolong the duration of the unpleasant feeling. Just accept it without fear.

– Observe. Remember that you are not your anxiety. She comes and goes, but you stay. Just contemplate it and analyze what you feel. Describe her. Describe the strength and from 1 to 10.

– Act against the feeling. You may slow down, but keep moving forward. Don’t let it displace your life and dictate its rules.

– Expect only the best. It will bring you wonderful moments and emotions.

Among the important things in managing generalized anxiety are meeting nice people and maintaining a social life, living a healthy lifestyle and exercising, getting good sleep and avoiding alcohol and cigarettes.

Please note that in case of a more severe condition, it is good to consult a specialist. He can give you therapy to get you out of this vicious circle.

Sometimes, in addition to sessions with a therapist, it is necessary to take medication, but this will be decided only by your treating doctor. With milder disorders, you can even cope with only 5 sessions and without medication. Everything depends on you.

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