
6 laws of lipstick

Lips are a temptation. You don’t want to take away from their beauty by choosing the wrong lipstick, do you? To enhance their expressiveness, you must strictly follow a few simple but mandatory rules.

It is important to trust a quality product. The lipstick should have a smooth consistency, without bubbles. The pleasant and fresh aroma indicates that the product is within its expiration date.

It is good to have moisturizers and nourishing ingredients in its formula. Keep in mind that lipstick should care for your lips, not just give them an alluring color.

1. The color of the skin

There is no woman who does not know that not every lipstick suits her. Your skin is crucial. Coral and peach tones are recommended for light skin.

Colour gives a very natural look to the lips. For dark-skinned ladies, it is good to emphasize red and light brown shades. Orange tones are a good choice for you.

2.Hair and eye color

Blondes, brunettes and redheads, different tones are created for you ladies. Blondes with light eyes choose plum and coral shades. Do not reach for dark and bright colors. Blondes with dark eyes – the color for you is pink and red, and again do not be tempted to the bright tones of these shades.

Dark-haired women with light eyes are suited to classic red, as well as purple lipstick. Brunettes with dark eyes should bet on the color range of chocolate and plum tones. Orange lipsticks also look good on your lips.
Redheads, fiery ladies, resort to dark red and coral. It is not good to bet on orange and pink, they are not your colors.

3. The color of the teeth

If you have more yellowish teeth, you should not emphasize them further with purple tones. Bright and very dark tones make the contrast high and make this flaw stand out.

To distract attention, use light lipsticks with a slightly rusty shade. Neutral shades will suit best.

4.The type of lips

There is a very simple rule for small lips. Use light colors. This creates an optical illusion and makes them appear larger. If you have excessively large lips, your choice should be a dark tone.


Light lipsticks are recommended for younger girls, to age them unnecessarily. Older ladies should use dark, pastel colors. This is how they mask the wrinkles around the lips.

6.According to the makeup and the occasion

If you have put on stronger eye makeup, you should choose a more neutral lipstick and vice versa if the emphasis is on the lips.< br/> During the day, lipsticks with a saturated color do not look good. Neutral tones are the right choice. For evening make-up, emphasize dark shades.

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