

What is gingivitis

Gingivitis is a bacterial inflammation of the gums in the area around the teeth. Gingivitis is one of the many periodontal diseases that affect periodontal health.

These are the tissues that surround the teeth and include the gums, soft tissues and dental bone.

Chronic gingivitis causes the gum to recede and expose the tooth neck, which can lead to permanent tooth damage.

Gingivitis is among the common causes of gum disease and is a form of periodontitis.

Periodontal diseases are often characterized according to their severity. These range from mild gingivitis to more severe periodontitis and, less commonly, but very seriously, acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, which is potentially life-threatening.

What are the symptoms

Swelling, redness, pain and bleeding gums are among the earliest and most obvious symptoms of gingivitis.

They are the result of the infection and inflammation of the gums, which is usually caused by the accumulation of bacterial dental plaque.

Attention and care for symptoms is essential, as ignoring them can lead to serious problems such as periodontitis, which affects the deeper structures of the teeth and their supporting bone.< /em>

Breath becoming increasingly foul-smelling is also common with gingivitis. This unpleasant symptom is due to the presence of bacterial deposits in the oral cavity, which cause a bad smell.

As gingivitis develops, the gums begin to lose their usual shape and color. Instead of the pink color characteristic of healthy gums, they acquire a more red, inflammatory hue.

The next stage is the pulling of the gums from the teeth, which can lead to the exposure of the tooth neck.

This condition of exposed tooth necks poses a risk to the teeth as it provides an opportunity for acids and bacteria to attack the tooth enamel surface.

This process can accelerate the formation of tooth decay and even lead to the formation of abscesses – painful infections in the root zone of the teeth.

What are the causes of gingivitis

Gingivitis is a bacterial infection of the gums. The exact reason for the development of inflammation has not been established, but there are several theories about it. For gingivitis to develop, plaque must have accumulated in the interdental spaces.

This plaque contains many bacteria, usually streptococci. But plaque is not the main cause of gingivitis, as everyone has plaque between their teeth, but gingivitis is far less common.

A person needs to suffer from a disease or take a certain drug that makes their immune system susceptible to gingivitis.

For example, people with diabetes, Addison’s disease, AIDS and other immune diseases are more prone to developing gingivitis because their immune system is weakened and unable to fight off invading bacteria in the crown.

People with Sjögren’s syndrome have chronic dry mouth, which puts them at serious risk of gingivitis.

Gingivitis treatment

The best way to treat gingivitis is prevention. This includes regular dental checkups.

Procedures to remove dental plaque are necessary to prevent inflammation of the gums or to stop the development of the disease.

After the dentist has removed the plaque, regular brushing and flossing with an appropriate toothbrush and flossing will slow plaque build-up.

But even with good oral hygiene, plaque build-up, albeit slowly, will start again.

Recently, various ionic toothbrushes and nano silver and nano gold and jade brushes have become quite popular.

But although their sellers convince of their amazing capabilities and what miracles they can do for our teeth and we can forget about dentists, it has not yet been established by scientists whether these claims are really so superior to standard brushes and toothpastes.

Removing the source of gingivitis is the main method of treatment for the initial inflammation of the gums, for example, stopping the medication that caused the weakening of the immune system.

Sometimes this is the only thing that needs to be done to restore the gums.

How to protect yourself

The health of our mouths and teeth is essential to our overall well-being and quality of life.

Oral hygiene plays a key role in maintaining the health of the gums and teeth, preventing the development of various diseases, including gingivitis.

Here are some important steps we can take to protect ourselves from oral hygiene problems:

  1. Read your teeth regularly: Read your teeth at least twice a day – morning and night, for two minutes. Use a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. Make gentle vertical movements to clean the gums as well.

  2. Flossing: Flossing helps to clean between the teeth where the brush cannot easily reach. Regular use of dental floss prevents the accumulation of food residues and dental plaque.

  3. Healthy food: Avoid overly sugary and acidic foods and drinks, which can contribute to the development of dental plaque and gum disease. Eat a vitamin- and mineral-rich diet that supports healthy teeth and gums.

Following these tips will help you maintain healthy gums and teeth throughout your life.

Maintaining oral hygiene not only improves the visual appearance of your smile, but also contributes to your overall health and self-esteem.

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