

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that appear at the end of the rectum and in the anus.

The veins swell due to increased pressure in them, usually occur due to constipation or profuse diarrhea and during pregnancy.

Internal hemorrhoids occur in the inner lining of the rectum and cannot be felt. They are usually painless and a person becomes aware of them only when blood appears during defecation. Internal hemorrhoids retract or enter through the anus.

External hemorrhoids appear under the skin that surrounds the anus. But they are felt when they swell and can cause itching, pain or bleeding during defecation.

A thrombosed external hemorrhoid can occur when it clots in the affected vein and can cause severe pain.

The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is painless bleeding, which can cause anxiety and worry in affected individuals.

Bleeding is usually bright red and can be seen after a bowel movement, on the toilet paper or running down the toilet bowl.

Although this is the most common symptom of hemorrhoids, it can also be a sign of other serious conditions, so it is important to consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Bleeding during defecation should never be ignored, regardless of its intensity. If you notice blood after defecation, it is very important to seek medical attention to determine the cause behind this symptom.

Hemorrhoids are a common cause of bleeding during defecation, but it is always possible that there are other diseases that are responsible for this phenomenon.

One possible cause of the bleeding is inflammatory bowel disease, such as Crohn’s disease. It is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that can affect different parts of it.

One of the main symptoms of Crohn’s disease is bleeding during defecation, accompanied by abdominal pain and stool changes.

In this case, the doctor will carry out detailed examinations and tests in order to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids occur when the internal hemorrhoids swell and protrude from the rectum and into the anus.

And pulling external hemorrhoids can feel like a lump outside the anus, in which case you have to gently push them back into the anus, but that won’t solve the problem.

Hemorrhoids can also cause itching around the anus and a constant urge to defecate (tenesmus).

Thrombotic external hemorrhoids are a painful condition and when the blood in the hemorrhoidal vein clots, the vein swells even more and this leads to an increase in pain. As it is stronger during defecation and can also increase when sitting.

Thrombotic varicose veins do not require treatment, and the vein heals on its own, but sometimes it is necessary to seek medical help.

Hemorrhoid treatment

Hemorrhoid treatment can also be done at home and for this purpose you can take several different methods.

Warm baths are one of the most popular home remedies for hemorrhoids. They help reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort. Fill the tub with warm water and sit in it for about 15-20 minutes.

This will help blood circulation to improve in the area of ​​hemorrhoids. Dry the area around the anus carefully after bathing to prevent skin irritation.

Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Increasing fluid intake is essential to prevent constipation and to ensure easier and smoother bowel movements. In addition, the inclusion of foods rich in fiber is essential.

The fibers help the stools to be softer and easier to pass through the rectum and anus. Fruits, vegetables, cellulose, rice, whole grains and cornmeal are good sources of fiber.

Exercising and maintaining a certain level of physical activity is also important in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Sitting for long periods of time can increase pressure in the anus and worsen symptoms.

Doughnut-shaped pillows can be helpful when working while standing, as they help reduce pressure on the anus.

When sitting, it is recommended to take regular breaks to relieve pressure in the area.

Besides physical exercises, it is also important to maintain proper defecation. When you feel the urge to defecate, it is important to go to the toilet as soon as possible.

Being obese and holding stools can make hemorrhoids worse.

During defecation, use gentle movements and do not squeeze too much to reduce pressure in the anal area.

In addition to these home treatments, there are various drug and non-drug treatment options for hemorrhoids.

Some of these include creams, ointments, pads, and surgical procedures that can be performed as needed.

It is always advisable to consult your healthcare professional to get the correct diagnosis and treatment according to your individual needs.

Hemorrhoids are a common condition and many people experience them at some stage in their lives. It is important to pay attention to the symptoms and take the necessary measures for treatment and prevention.

With a combination of proper nutrition, physical activity and following your doctor’s instructions, you can control and relieve hemorrhoid symptoms and get back to your normal life.

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