
How the financial situation of the family affects health

When concluding a credit agreement, most people do not think at all about the possible consequences. But it can also happen that the debtor, due to complicated circumstances, is unable to return the amount of money borrowed from the bank.

At the same time, this credit easily turns into a deep debt pit and swallows the “debtor with his head”, thus not only his material situation worsens, but also his psyche changes, and sometimes it changes radically.

Where do the debtor’s psychological problems begin?

According to psychologists, this happens when borrowers find out that the state of their finances is on the verge of bankruptcy. But most scientists in the field of psychology are of the opinion that a person is inherently a gambling type of person.

He likes to take risks and “walk the razor’s edge” in practically all areas of his life, including the professional and intimate spheres.

Nevertheless, one part of the people may risk all their wealth, as in the case of betting in a casino, while others do so cautiously, but in the end achieve the same result as the former.

It is precisely because of this that some people try to close their eyes to the consequences and live for the day.

At the same time, they take loans from banks, from known and even from dubious usurers, spend the received funds and do not even think about the fact that very soon they will have to start paying back their debts, and then their apparently stable financial situation is possible to “break through”, and they, in their capacity as debtors, to remain penniless.

Debts and debtors – scientific facts?

Scientists managed to find real confirmation of the fact that a person’s financial indebtedness has an extremely detrimental effect on his health.

For example, researchers from the University of California, USA, found that the presence of credit card debt for a person with average incomes leads not only to an increase in his blood pressure, but also to a deterioration in his health in general.


In particular, according to leading psychologist Elizabeth Sweet, severe psychological problems related to credit card debt occur more often among young people aged 24 to 32.

This is evidenced by a number of tests conducted among 8,400 volunteers of this age category. During the study, about 85% of the participants lost their temper, became irritable and were stressed.

In addition, 40 to 85% suffered from insomnia and obesity.

The cause of the latter problem was psychological troubles in young people, which they tried to suppress by ingesting large amounts of food during the day.

At the same time, they were not at all concerned about the quality and quantity of the food products they consumed.

Another study was also conducted to find a relationship between credit card debt and the number of people who are suicidal.

4,000 people from Finland took part in the study, and each of them was put into a trance state and during that time became a debtor to a conditional credit organization.

As a result of the experiment, more than half of the participants expressed a desire to end their lives by suicide.

Specialists believe that in this case, the reason for the desire to commit suicide is the deep depression that people with credit card debt fall into.

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