
How to eat less and be full?

When following a certain diet, it is very important not to overeat. But despite this, in no case should one remain hungry. That is why it is important to eat so as not to overeat. How to do this if we are on a diet and want to get rid of extra pounds.

1. Eat foods that contain a lot of water

Include more foods in your daily portion that contain water. The best thing about water is that it contains no calories and also fills you up stomach and will make you feel full.

Scientists have found that people who drink 2 glasses of water before meals get full faster and consume fewer calories. You can apply the same trick when choosing the foods to put on the table.

Eat a few grapefruits and you will feel full, as these fruits contain a large amount of water.

Tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce are also high in content, so it is useful to start your meals with them. For the same reason, it is advisable to always choose soup as a first course. In this way, you will significantly limit your caloric intake.

2. Consume foods rich in plant fiber

If you want to eat less and stay full, include in your daily portion foods containing larger amounts of fiber. They make food in the stomach more voluminous, but this affects the weight.

Vegetable fiber slows down digestion processes, so you will feel full for a much longer time. In addition, such food stimulates the synthesis of the hormone cholecystokinin, which sends a satiety signal to the brain.

And for this reason, bran, whole grains, legumes and vegetables must be present in your portion. The ingredients of these foods will give you energy for the whole day.

3. Do not eat quickly

Instead of swallowing literally everything at once, it is necessary to feel every moment of the process of chewing food.

Important advice for those struggling with excess weight – take the time to chew your food thoroughly. Often most of us eat on our feet, especially when you have to eat lunch at work, and your clients expect.

And this is extremely harmful to health. It is desirable to enjoy every bite of food and even experience this moment. Do not put the next bite in your mouth until you have swallowed it.

4. Increase your protein intake

Protein promotes satiety, so replace the carbohydrates you eat with protein. Why? Because carbohydrates are transformed in the body into glucose much faster than proteins.

According to scientific studies, those who consume less carbohydrate foods and increase the amount of protein feel fuller than those who mainly eat carbohydrate foods.

In addition, proteins stimulate the synthesis of the hormone tyrosine in the brain, which regulates the feeling of satiety.

5. Switch hands

The technique, at first glance, is a bit strange, but effective. If you are right-handed, take the fork or spoon in your left hand or vice versa.

This will feel awkward, but this way you won’t be swallowing your food on autopilot. The difficulty of eating with your left hand makes the process of eating slower, which means , that you feel that you are eating and the feeling of satiety will come faster.

6. Focus on eating

Don’t eat in front of the TV, don’t read or be distracted by anything at all while eating.

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