
How to increase brain capacity?

Scientists are still not aware of the mechanism of storage and subsequent retrieval of information by the human brain.

Most researchers divide memory into three types.

Sensory memory lasts a few milliseconds and primary memory is short-term and thanks to it, numbers, dates, phone numbers and other information needed for a short period of time are stored.

After that, it’s usually forgotten. And secondary memory is long-lasting and information from it is usually recalled within a few minutes by stimulating different brain centers.

Why do we forget certain important things?

Stress is often the culprit, affecting our ability to concentrate, make decisions and remember.

Sensory overload can also be a problem when we are doing too many things at the same time, it is harder to concentrate on details and our attention is correspondingly lower, which subsequently creates the conditions for less perception of information and memorization.

For most people, memory loss never becomes a serious abnormality, but some diseases, most notably Alzheimer’s, can lead to a direct weakening of the ability to remember.

Alcohol and drug abuse also negatively affect memory.

How to feed our brain?

There is no doubt that mental flexibility and memory decline to some extent as we age. But the good news is that this is not an inevitable process.

By sticking to a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and performing exercises to stimulate brain function, one can stay sharp into old age.

Using the following nutritional supplements has been scientifically proven to improve brain function:

• Ginkgo biloba – shows its effect mainly on the lining of blood vessels, contributing to the improvement of blood supply to the brain. In the venous system, it supports the dynamic cleansing of toxins that accumulate due to the insufficient amount of oxygen reaching the neurons. Ginkgo biloba also improves the general condition of the brain by preventing short-term memory loss, dizziness, headaches and depression. The effect of the healing plant on memory is not limited by advanced age.

• Alpha lipoic acid – a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to protect against the damaging effects of free radicals in nerve tissue. Lipoic acid helps maintain levels of glutathione, which is normally depleted in diseases such as Parkinson’s. The antioxidant is found naturally in meat and most vegetables. The recommended daily dose is 200-400 mg. daily.

• Dimethylaminoethanol – a brain stimulant that is synthesized in the human brain and is found in some fish such as anchovies and sardines, as well as in a number of drugs used to stabilize cell membranes.

The destruction of the latter is considered the main mechanism of aging.

The brain stimulant works by accelerating the synthesis in the brain of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is extremely important for enhancing mental abilities, and also helps prevent age-related gradual memory loss.

There is scientific evidence that DMAE helps reduce the accumulation of lipofuscin /age spots/ in the brain.

The synthetic form of the brain stimulant is used for:

• Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder;
• Enhance memory and lift mood;
• Strengthen cognitive function;
• Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease;
• Increase IQ and physical energy;
• Improve athletic ability;
• Slow down aging;
• Improve erythrocyte function;
• Increase enterer efficiency through the respiratory function oxygen in the body;
• Extending life expectancy;

The dose of DMAE recommended by scientists is 75-150 mg. daily.

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