


Hyperthermia is a general name for diseases related to heat exposure of the human body. Doing outdoor activities is sometimes imperative and therefore it is difficult to avoid going outside in very hot weather.

However, it is important that people at an advanced age follow certain basic rules to protect themselves from the harmful effects of hot weather.

What are the reasons?

Regardless of extreme weather conditions, a healthy human body maintains a constant temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

In warm or hot weather or during physical exertion, the body begins to sweat. As this sweat evaporates from the skin, the body cools.

If a person is subjected to prolonged intense heat, their body may lose its ability to respond effectively to heat. When this happens, a person can go into a state of hyperthermia.

Health factors increasing the risk are:

• Poor circulation;
Inefficient sweat glands and skin changes caused by the normal aging process.
• Cardiac, pulmonary and kidney diseases, as well as any disease causing general weakness or hypertension, as well as other diseases and conditions requiring changes in the way of eating. For example, diets with very little or no salt increase the risk of incontinence, which is caused by many drugs such as sleeping pills, sedatives, and some used for hypertension and heart -vascular diseases.

Other risk factors are being overweight or underweight, as well as regular alcohol use.

Lifestyle factors that increase risk:

• Overly hot living spaces;
Lack of accessible transportation in hot weather, which does not allow people to “escape” the heat by walking at the mall or in the library.
Crowding – because they don’t feel the heat, elderly people have a habit of walking in the hottest heat;
• Walking in crowded or crowded places, so travel must be planned for off-peak hours. hot weather – therefore it is recommended that elderly people stay at home in very hot weather.

What are the symptoms?

The two most common forms of the condition are heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Heatstroke is particularly dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. p>

Heat stress occurs when some negative change occurs in the body as a result of hot weather.

Heat fatigue is a feeling of weakness, caused by the high outside temperature. The symptoms are expressed in cooling and moistening of the skin and weakened pulse. The affected person may feel sick.

Heat syncope is sudden dizziness that occurs as a result of physical exertion in the heat. The skin appears sweaty and pale, but is moist and cool to the touch. The pulse is weak, but the heart rate is usually accelerated. Body temperature is usually normal.

Heat cramps are painful muscle spasms in the abdomen, arms or legs due to excessive physical exertion in hot weather. They are due to the lack of salts in the body.

Heat exhaustion is a warning that his body is too hot. An overheated person is usually thirsty, dizzy, weak and uncoordinated.

Treatment of Hyperthermia

If an overheated person shows signs of heatstroke, emergency care should be sought immediately. Without medical attention, heat stroke can be fatal.

Heat exhaustion can be treated in several ways:

Go somewhere cooler, preferably where there is air conditioning. And if there is no such possibility, then go under the shade of a tree.
• Start taking liquids, but in no case alcohol or caffeine – sweet juices and water are preferable.
• After you recover a little, spray yourself or just take a bath with lukewarm water, it is best to use a sponge.
• Then lie down to rest for 2-3 hours, preferably in a cool place.

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