
Inguinal epidermophytia

Inguinal epidermophytia is an infectious disease of fungal origin caused by microorganisms of the genus Trichophyton.

The disease is characterized by involvement in the natural folds of the human body. These are the groin, the buttocks, the armpits, the folds under the mammary glands.

The disease is more often registered in men, mostly teenagers and middle-aged men suffer from it.

What are the causes?

• Weakened immunity:

– In patients with AIDS;

– People who often suffer from acute respiratory viral diseases;

– Those suffering from diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxic goiter, hypothyroidism;

– People who have recently undergone operative interventions;

– Pregnancy, postpartum period;

– Lack of vitamins;

– Cancer patients

• Permanent or frequent violations of the integrity of the skin in the areas where the fungus parasitizes /for example, wearing uncomfortable underwear/.

• In case of non-observance of personal hygiene – use of common bathrobes and towels when bathing.

At risk are workers in enterprises where the temperature in the working environment is higher than normal, such as blast furnaces or there are open fireplaces.

Also people living in regions with increased temperature and humidity, for example India and the Caribbean countries.

What are the symptoms?

• As stated above, the fungus affects the natural folds of the human body;

• A rash appears, which is a round spot red in color with a clearly defined border;

• Spots tend to coalesce;


If the symptoms described above occur, it is necessary to seek qualified medical assistance. First of all, he should consult his general practitioner and then seek a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist.

The diagnosis is made after a complete blood count, a urine test and a skin sample from the site of the rash, which is subject to observation under a microscope.

Treatment of inguinal epidermophytia

Local treatment

• Maintain excellent personal hygiene in the areas where the rash has formed – wash under running water 2 times a day, using baby soap is recommended.

• Cleaning the site of infection from purulent crusts and scales – treatment with hydrogen peroxide or salicylic alcohol.

• Applying antifungal ointments and creams to the rash:

– The cream containing ketoconazole is applied to the affected parts 2 times a day, and the course of treatment should last 4-5 weeks.

– Cream containing clotrimazole on problem areas 2 times a day. The duration of therapy should be 3-5 weeks.

– Oxyconazole – the cream is applied to the skin lesion once a day, and the treatment lasts for 3-5 weeks.

– Terbinafine ointment – the affected skin is treated 2 times a day for a period of up to 3-5 weeks.

– Naftifin – the skin is treated 2 times a day, and the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Systemic treatment

• Fluconazole is prescribed for oral administration after meals at 50-100 mg 2 times a day. Reception of the preparation 7-14 days.

• Itraconazole in tablet form is prescribed orally at 100-200 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days, after meals with a small amount of water.

• Ketoconazole in tablets intended for oral administration is prescribed after meals at 200-400 mg 2 times a day. The course of treatment should last 5-10 days.

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