
White piedra

White piedra, also known as white mycosis, is an infectious disease caused by yeast-like fungi, characterized by the appearance of dense small white bumps on the hair, mainly in the mustache and beard area nodes.

White mycosis is widespread everywhere, but most often cases of the disease are registered in Europe /Great Britain, Hungary, Spain, France/, in the countries of Central Asia, in Japan and the USA. Cases are also registered in Bulgaria, but it cannot be claimed that the disease is widespread in our country.

People between the ages of 20 and 35 are most at risk of white mycosis. Children and elderly people practically do not suffer from this disease.

If the diagnosis is made correctly and treatment is started in time, the prognosis for patients suffering from white mycosis is favorable, with full recovery occurring.

What are the causes?

The cause of the disease is the yeast-like fungus Trichosporon Beigellii. The infection is transmitted through direct contact with a sick person or through personal items such as razors, combs, toothbrushes.

The following contribute to the development of the disease:

• The warm and humid climate;

• Washing the hair and face with the waters of reservoirs with stagnant water;

• Hair treatment with mineral oils;

• Washing the head and body with lactic acid products;

• Presence of prolonged contact with the infection;

• Residence in countries where the fungi that cause the disease are widespread;

• Poor sanitary and hygienic conditions, poor public hygiene;

• Weakening of the body’s resistance forces, which occurs in some conditions:

– Frequent acute respiratory viral infections – rhinitis, tracheitis, bronchitis,
– Chronic diseases of the internal organs;
– Diseases of the endocrine system – hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
– Oncological diseases of the internal organs;
– In the period after organ transplantation;
– Frequent X-rays;
– Constant or long-term intake of hormonal preparations, antibiotics or chemotherapy agents;
– HIV-positive people and those sick with AIDS;
– Hypovitaminosis;


According to the localization of the infectious process, white mycosis is divided into:

• the moustache;
• the beard;
• the head;
• the groin;
• the armpits;

According to the way it progresses, it is divided into:

• acute stage;
• chronic stage;

What are the symptoms?

The disease is characterized by the appearance of white, very dense nodules on the hairy part of the face, in the area of ​​the armpits and genitals, and less often on the scalp.

The knots are irregular, spindle-shaped and almost completely cover the hair. Up to 30-40 such knots can be found on 1 hair.

Sometimes they begin to merge and form something like a sleeve through which the hair passes, and this formation can reach up to 10 mm in length.

Nodules are easily identified by examining the affected hairs. When the hair is pressed or bent, a characteristic crackle is heard. When the hairs are pulled strongly, the nodes on them stick together and bundles of hairs are formed, which outwardly resemble bundles of cereals.

The hairs or the hairs in white mycosis do not break or drip. But in the case of a prolonged, chronic course of the disease without starting adequate treatment, hair loss and subsequent development of alopecia areata are characteristic.

Treatment of white piedra

Mainly antifungal preparations with local action such as clotrimazole, ketoconazole, mamisil, exoderil, etc. are applied.

The use of nizoral or ketoconazole shampoos is effective.

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