
Intolerance to meat


When a person has meat intolerance, his body reacts with the appearance of certain unpleasant sensations when eating meat. These symptoms are often delayed and manifest differently in each sufferer.

The condition is distinguished from meat allergy. With all food allergies, including to meat, the person affected feels the symptoms immediately.

These clinical manifestations are often very severe and in some cases life-threatening. While the symptoms of meat intolerance usually appear several hours or even days after consuming the food causing the reaction.

Clinical manifestations are not life-threatening but can impair the quality of life of those affected.
Meat intolerance can cause symptoms to appear after eating a certain type of meat, several types of meat or at all after swallowing any kind of meat at all.

Food intolerances are very specific and affect each person individually. This circumstance, combined with the fact that the symptoms in most cases are delayed, can make it difficult for the affected person to determine the cause of his problems without specialized medical help.

What is meat intolerance?

Meat intolerance is a condition where a person cannot consume all types of meat without experiencing an adverse reaction from their body. Symptoms vary from person to person, but they are always delayed.

Some of those affected eat certain types of meat without any problem, while others experience a reaction when eating any type of meat. Pork and beef most often cause symptoms of intolerance, but it is quite possible that some of those affected react to any type of meat.

It is important to know that intolerance to certain foods is different from food allergies. You should also be aware that everyone’s body reacts differently.

There is no certain typical symptomatology that is manifested in all those affected. Some people will experience only a few of the most common symptoms, while others may experience all of the common symptoms. The severity of the clinical manifestations, as well as the time they need to appear, is also individual.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptom of the condition is abdominal pain. Abdominal cramps are also possible. Other less common clinical manifestations are nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, excessive flatulence, diarrhea and other similar symptoms.

Treatment of intolerance to meat

The complete rejection of meat consumption will prevent the future manifestation of the unwanted reactions of the body, which, besides being annoying, have a negative impact on the quality of a person’s life.< /p>

However, removing meat from your diet should be done after the intolerance has been confirmed by a medical professional. Meat contains many nutrients, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

So if you eliminate meat from your diet it is important to get your nutrients from other sources to maintain good health. Replacing the nutrients that meat contains such as zinc, proteins and iron is easy.

But you need to be sure to get these important nutrients in another way. When you do not consume, you should increase your consumption or include nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, whole grains and other food products in your menu.

Consultation with a registered dietitian is required to develop an appropriate dietary regimen that replaces meat consumption.

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