
Is the popular lemon water as useful as scientists think it is?

What do we know about lemons?

From a botanical point of view, they are citrus fruits belonging to the Sedefchevi family, known to science as Citrus Limon.

And although the tree from which they originate is a hybrid, they are much more valuable for maintaining the general state of health than the other more famous in Bulgaria representatives of the Sedefchev family – oranges and tangerines.

The lemon tree is found growing wild mainly in India, in the foothills of the Himalayas, and it is assumed that its spread throughout the world started from this region.

The most sought after on the market are 2 types of lemons, which are defined as the main Citrus medica, Citrus Limonium Risso.

The citrus fruit has a low calorie content, about 29 per 100 g, which is the smallest amount compared to the fruits of other representatives of the Sedefchevi family.

Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C

Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is essential for normal growth and development. One lemon contains about 30-40 mg. vitamin C.

For comparison, an orange contains about 80-90 mg. vitamin C.
The impact of vitamin C on the human body has been studied in great detail. And the results of the studies show that it has incredibly many beneficial properties for health.

Provides protection against fetal malformations, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, against the appearance of wrinkles and immune deficiency.

It also acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage caused by too many free radicals.

What unique properties do lemons have that are beneficial to human health?

Lemon water as a detoxifier

This is the first valuable property of lemon water that most of us think of, but it is usually the most overrated.

Below we will cite several solid scientific sources that give a fair idea of ​​the potential of lemons as a body cleanser.

It is not surprising that the amount of urine increases after drinking lemon water because it contains the compound citrate.

It is a natural inhibitor of toxins, which can be deposited in the form of crystals in the body. Citric acid increases the body’s ability to naturally cleanse itself of these unwanted toxins.

They penetrate the body in a different way. It may be through the air we breathe and some of the foods we consume daily. Two scientific studies shed a little more light on the cleansing properties of lemons.

Dutch scientists in 2002 conducted research on animals with lemon peel, which was published in the European journal “Nutrition”.

The results of the study show that lemon peels are a very effective means of lowering the levels of total cholesterol and in the liver.

Although the research was on animals, the results suggest that consumption of lemon peels may be beneficial for people who suffer from the disease of fatty liver, or fatty liver.

The results of a study by Indian scientists in 2005, published in an edition of the journal “BMC Pharmacology”, showed that the compound hesperidin / a citrus bioflavonoid found in lemons / protects the liver from damage after the administration of CCl4 – a well-studied liver toxin .

These studies are clear evidence that lemons improve liver function and facilitate the filtering of dangerous toxins.

Studies show that in cases where toxins build up in the body, lemon juice and peel have a cleansing effect.

Drinking lemon water after a meal will help the formation of significantly fewer toxins, and their removal from the body will also be facilitated.

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