
National invitro campaign “Love is action 2014” has started

National invitro campaign “Love is an action 2014” has been launched

National campaign “Love is an action 2014” has been launched since September 23.

The goal of the initiative is to give couples with reproductive problems a chance to realize their dream of a baby.
The initiator for the second consecutive year of the campaign is the National Information Portal Invitro Bulgaria, together with 10 of the largest invitro clinics in the country.

The concern of medical specialists for couples with reproductive problems in Bulgaria has become the reason for one of the largest in vitro centers to become part of the campaign and to cover the financial costs of couples related to in vitro procedures and the necessary diagnostics and subsequent follow-up of the course of pregnancy. With this initiative, they show their empathy to all those couples who dream of having a child.

All couples with reproductive problems can take part in the National Campaign “Love is Action 2014”.

What those wishing to participate have to do is go to the pages of the Invitro Bulgaria Information Portal, download a participation form, fill it in and send it to the e-mails of the invitro clinics where they want to apply .

Invitro Bulgaria

The initiative will give a chance to couples with reproductive problems by donating 18 in vitro procedures.

The deadline for submitting the declarations is up to and including December 10th. After a short period of time is needed to analyze the submitted documents, a date will be determined on which the winners will be announced, by drawing lots in the Nova TV show “On Coffee”.

In Vitro Centers participating in the initiative are:

In Vitro AG Medical Center “Dimitrov”

Medical complex “Dr. Shterev”

MC “Nadezhda Reproductive – Sofia”, MBAL for women’s health “Nadezhda”
Clinic “Malinov”

“Vienna In Vitro Center”

Medical center for reproductive medicine “Radost”

Aphrodite Medical Center

“Vita In Vitro Center”

ReproBioMed Medical Center

Vira Medical Center

The couples to whom the in vitro procedure will be donated will be determined according to the lottery principle. In addition, an additional 3 reserves will be selected for each of the participating clinics in the event that:

• the winners do not meet the requirements set by the relevant invitro centers;
• The couple chosen as the winner refuses the donated procedure;
• There are medical reasons that are incompatible with the conduct of assisted reproduction;


There are no restrictions on how many invitro clinics a couple can apply to, but they must meet their criteria.
Multiple applications to the same assisted reproduction center are not allowed.

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