
Promising technology stops aging

American and Australian scientists have announced that they have found a way to reverse the aging process. They have already tested the technology on mice and have begun conducting clinical trials on humans.

Scientists from Harvard University and the University of New South Wales say they have been able to turn off the genes responsible for aging and turn on the genes of youth using natural proteins and molecules.

The lead author of the study, who is a professor of genetics at Harvard University, points out that they have identified genes that control the aging processes in the body. When they are properly activated, they can have a very strong impact, even if they reverse the aging process, at least in mice.

According to the scientists, they introduced a molecule called NMN into the genes, which within a week completely reversed the aging processes in the muscle tissue. Researchers hope to develop a drug that can restore the youth of human cells.

Old age and youth

Scientists indicate that their research has already entered the phase of clinical trials on humans. At the moment, several similar scientific studies are being conducted around the world, and scientists hope in the next few years to find out how effective this technology is in humans.

But researchers are hopeful, noting that clinical trials have begun recently but are extremely promising.

The first tests showed that the molecules that increase life span in mice do not harm human health in any way.

These molecules are attributed anti-inflammatory properties, capable of preventing inflammatory processes in the body. For example, reddening of the skin or even diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Scientists believe that the molecule NMN is the way or means of extending life.

Time magazine named Professor Sinclair, the leader of the above-mentioned scientific study, as one of the most influential people in the world. Years ago, he established the beneficial properties of resveratrol naturally contained in red wine and was able to explain how it affects the human body.

Professor Sinclair hopes that one day the new discovery will revolutionize medicine, as antibiotics once did. Some call it playing God. But if we go back 1 century and ask someone about antibiotics, we’d probably get a similar answer.

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