

Modern dermatology distinguishes three clinical forms of prurigo: childhood, adult and nodular.

Childhood most often develops in the first year of life, but it is possible to appear in children up to 5 years of age.

People of mature age mostly suffer from age-related form. And nodular is observed, most often in women over 50 years of age.

What are the symptoms?

In children, the disease begins with the appearance of a rash with a large density in the form of nodules 3-5 mm in size, on the surface of which small bubbles appear over time, which are subsequently compromised, and the erosion site is covered with a serous crust.

Along with the presence of a rash on the skin of the face and buttocks, the typical location of the skin lesions is on the joints of the limbs.

Papulovesicles can also be located on the skin of the palms and soles. They are larger in size /5-7 mm/. A distinctive feature of the disease is the strong itching.

Many excoriations appear due to scratching in the places of itching.

At the same time as the rashes, neuropsychiatric disorders are observed in sick children: mood changes, poor sleep, they cry easily, increased irritability.

These symptoms can be caused both by the disease itself /severe itching and self-poisoning of the body/, and by the innately labile nervous system, as a result of peculiarities of the child’s body.

In many cases, an independent regression of the symptoms of the disease is observed after the exclusion from the child’s diet of cow’s milk or the adapted milk.

But it is possible to make a transition from the childhood form of the disease to atopic dermatitis or to the adult form.

The signs of such a transformation are the appearance of white dermophragism and weakening of the abdominal reflex. Dry skin, anhidrosis, and an increase in femoral and inguinal lymph nodes are noted in such children.

The age-related form can have an acute or chronic course.

In the latter case, the skin symptoms are gradually joined by a neurotic syndrome: sleep disorders, irritability and strong emotional stability.

The nodular form is characterized by a chronic and prolonged course. The rash is in the form of tightly spaced papules with a hemispherical shape.

Their size varies from 6 to 15 mm. The nodular lesions are mainly located on the skin of the joints of the legs and less often on the arms and torso.

Treatment of prurigo

A main component of the treatment of the disease is proper nutrition.

For infants, to reduce the body’s sensitivity to mother’s milk, it is recommended to give about 10 drops of breast milk 15 minutes before feeding.

In case of the disease, the early inclusion of cottage cheese, yogurt and carrot juice in the diet is necessary.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid eating large amounts of citrus fruits, eggs, fish, pork and pickles.

Older children and adults suffering from the disease are recommended lactic acid products, as well as boiled beef, sunflower oil, fruits and vegetables, especially carrots, cabbage, spinach and peas.

When a helminth infestation is detected, deworming is necessary.

It is also necessary to treat foci of chronic infections, such as carious teeth, inflammation of the middle ear, sinusitis, tonsillitis, diseases of the digestive system and dysbacteriosis.

In the treatment of prurigo, the application of digestive enzymes, such as Festal and Mezyme, is also useful.

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