
Red Wind


Red wind or erysipelas is a bacterial infection in the upper layer of the skin. It is similar to another skin condition known as cellulite, which is a clinical and unrelated cosmetic condition known as orange peel.

It is almost impossible for doctors to tell the difference between the two diseases. But this is not a problem as they are treated in the same way. Erysipelas most often affects the legs, but also appears on the face.

What are the symptoms?

Before the clinical manifestations of the disease develop, you may notice that you have microscopic skin sores from insect bites, or that your throat is sore or your nose runs.

However, it is more likely that you will not notice these pre-disease signs.

Symptoms are most often:

• Fever;
• Chills;
• General malaise;
• Appearance of a red swollen, warm and painful area of ​​the skin, slightly raised above the rest of the unaffected surface;
• Appearance of blisters on the affected areas;
• Swollen lymph nodes;

On the face, the rash usually involves the nose and both cheeks.

What are the causes?

The disease is caused by bacteria penetrating through the outer surface of the skin.

The bacteria that most commonly cause erysipelas are known as streptococci and they usually live on the skin and other body surfaces without causing harm.

Infectious organisms can penetrate the skin when its surface is compromised or inflamed. Diseases leading to disruption of the integrity of the skin such as mycosis and eczema can also cause erysipelas.

In cases where the infection affects the face, the bacteria may have entered through the nasal passages after a cold or other type of throat inflammation.

Possible causes are:

• Cuts and wounds on the skin;
• Surgical incisions;
• Insect bites;
• Mycosis;
• Skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis;
• Obesity;
• Swelling of the feet due to health problems such as heart failure;
• Uncontrolled diabetes;
• Anything that suppresses the immune system;
• Past erysipelas ;

Treatment of red wind

If you are in good health, the treatment can also take place at home. But in some cases hospitalization is necessary.

It is recommended that the affected part of the body should be elevated above the rest of the body to reduce swelling.

If your leg is affected, you should aim to rest longer and keep it elevated above your hip. For example, when you go to bed, put pillows under your feet. It is important to stand up and walk around from time to time, and to drink enough fluids. You may need to keep your affected leg elevated for several days before the swelling goes away.
Penicillin therapy is used to treat the condition. If your case is milder, the medication is administered orally at home and taken for about a week. But when the patient’s condition is more severe, it is possible to require hospitalization, where antibiotics are infused intravenously. When those affected are very young children or very old people, doctors usually prescribe them for hospitalization. Sometimes the bacteria do not respond to the antibiotic and in such a case it is necessary to try a different medicine.
The patient can also take painkillers to reduce discomfort and to lower the temperature.
If the cause of the disease is fungus , then antifungal preparations are applied.

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