
Tick ​​bite

Ticks are small arachnids that bite to attach to the skin and feed on blood. These insects usually live in the fur and feathers of many birds and animals.

Ticks are most active from early spring to late summer and in areas where there is a lot of birds and wildlife, so human bites are most common during this period.

Most ticks do not carry diseases, so most tick bites do not cause serious health problems.

But it is important to remove the stuck tick as soon as possible after it is found.

The timely removal of its body from the skin prevents the transmission of diseases that the insect can transfer to humans when it starts feeding.

Removing the head of the tick from the skin will protect you from infection in and around the bite site.

Usually all that needs to be done with an insect bite is to remove it from the skin and watch for signs of disease.

In such a case, it is also important to consider whether a tetanus vaccination is necessary to prevent the development of this disease as well.

Some people may experience an allergic reaction when bitten by this type of insect. This reaction can be mild, with few bothersome symptoms. In rare cases, the body reacts violently, this condition is referred to as anaphylaxis.

Many of the diseases that ticks carry cause symptoms similar to those of the common flu.

Clinical manifestations of this type of disease usually begin within 1-21 days after the bite.

Sometimes flu-like symptoms are accompanied by rashes and inflammation. The most common diseases transmitted by ticks are:

• Lyme disease;
• Rocky Mountain spotted fever;
• Tularemia;
• Ehrlichiosis;
• Relapsing fever;
• Colorado tick fever;< br/> • Babesiosis;

In very rare cases, a tick bite can cause paralysis. In some other parts of the world, ticks can be carriers of other diseases such as South African Tick Fever.

Tick Bite Treatment

The sooner the tick is removed, the less likely it is to transmit disease. Some types of ticks are so small that they are difficult to see.

This makes it difficult for a person to determine whether they have removed the head or not. If you do not see any visible parts of the tick’s head at the bite site, it is assumed that you have removed the entire tick, but watch for any signs of skin infection.

• Use tweezers to remove the tick, even in pharmacies they are sold adapted for just such a procedure. But if you still don’t have such a tool, put on gloves or cover your hands with a napkin, then use your fingers. Never touch the tick with your bare hands.

Get the tick as close to the mouth as possible, that is, you should aim to get it as close as possible to the skin where it is stuck.

• The body of the tick is above the surface of your skin. Never pick the tick by or around its swollen abdomen. It is possible to inadvertently squeeze the infected fluid from the insect’s body onto your skin, and it can enter the open wound at the site of the bite.

• Pull the tick straight up until its jaws come out above the surface of the skin. Do not try to twist it when removing. If you do, you can break his body and have his head stuck in your skin.

• Do not try to suffocate the tick with petroleum jelly, nail polish, benzine or rubbing alcohol before removing it. This increases the risk of infection.

• Do not attempt to burn the tick before removing it.

• After removing it, put it dry in a jar or some other tight container and put it in the freezer if it is necessary to be identified and examined afterwards.

• Wash the bite site with plenty of warm water and soap. It is best to use a mild soap so as not to irritate the wound too much.

• If the bite wound becomes irritated, apply an antibiotic cream such as bacitracin or polymyxin B sulfate and cover it with a plaster.

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