
Scientists: “Honey harms health more than sugar”

The use of honey was previously recommended as a way to replace sugar in the diet, however nutritionists from Great Britain found that the bee product is actually not a healthy food.

It is known that ordinary refined sugar, i.e. sucrose, is absorbed by the cells of the human body, and the pancreas secretes insulin.

Nutritionists note that the composition of honey includes 55% fructose or fruit sugar, which is processed in the human liver.

The body’s reaction to honey is no different from that of regular refined sugar, so nutritionists believe that all claims about the health benefits of using honey are untrue.

It turns out that after using this bee product or foods that contain it, the pancreas secretes insulin, and the human body actively accumulates fat, which increases its body mass.

Because of this, people using fructose in large quantities are exposed to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and also liver pathologies such as steatosis or fatty liver disease.

In addition, the probability of developing diseases when using honey is the same as when using foods that contain refined sugar.

The results of scientific studies show that the use of fructose adversely affects the amount of minerals that the human body manages to absorb from food.

Nutrition experts have also found that honey has more calories than sugar, and a teaspoon of store-bought honey contains 22 kilocalories, while the same amount of sugar has only 16 kilocalories.

One can obtain the beneficial nutrients from honey that has been extracted from an apiary and not subjected to further processing. However, this commercial bee product is richer in niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, vitamin B6 than the natural one.

Nutritionists have also found that the use of honey can lead to the destruction of teeth and the development of cavities.

This bee product can also be harmful to the skin, since the glucose, fructose and carbohydrates that make up honey can cause disruption of collagen formation processes.

In addition, scientists recommend not to consume sugar in large quantities, as it has virtually no nutritional value.

It should be reminded that the experts of the World Health Organization have reduced the recommended amount of sugar that a person can consume per day to 6 teaspoons.

And in Great Britain, a safe amount of sugar per day is considered to be around 50 grams for women and 70 grams for men.

In addition, the fact that the nutritionists’ survey was conducted in Great Britain, where honey differs in composition from that in Bulgaria, and also in 2013, the European Committee of Agricultural Organizations Copa-Cogeca called on the European Commission to take action on the issue of the importation into the European market of cheap copper from China, which was suspected to be of very low quality.

And in this regard, it is possible that the British nutritionists used honey imported from China to conduct their research, which would largely contribute to reaching incorrect conclusions.

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