
Spermotoxicosis – myth or reality?

A few facts

Every minute, 50,000 sperm are produced in the male body. In one hour, this number reaches 3 million, and in one day – 72 million.

Sperm make up only 3% of ejaculate. The remaining 97% – secretion from the prostate gland and fluid from the seminal vesicles.

In the initial discharge of the ejaculate, the amount of germ cells is greater than in the subsequent ones and especially in the last one.

The ejaculate contains about 300-500 million spermatozoa. At an average volume, provided that the orgasms are 3 days apart, the number of male gametes is within 2 to 6 Jr.

Spermotoxicosis: myth or reality?

Translated from Greek, it means poisonous seed, and probably most of you have heard this word at least once and thought it was a joke. But is it a joke what actually happens during prolonged abstinence in the male organism?

In the upper part of the head of the male germ cell, there is an acrosome – a cell organelle in the shape of a spear or a cup.

The acrosome is designed to break through the jelly-like shell of the egg and reach its vitelline layer.

This is not an easy task, but that is why the acrosome contains strong hydrolytic enzymes and specific proteins, ensuring the process of connecting the sperm with the vitilin layer of the egg cell and easy penetration into it.

The parenchyma of the male gonad is formed by a collection of convoluted and straight familial tubules and a tubular network.

The number of lobes in one testicle is 200, and in each one there are 1-4 curved seminiferous tubules up to 80 cm long. But on the upper surface of the lobes, the curved seminiferous tubules pass and straighten and merge and form the testicular tubular network.

The tubules contain Sertoli cells, which not only feed the diffusely developing germ cells, but also destroy dead and abnormal spermatozoa.

The most important function of this type of cells is their participation in the formation of the hematotesticular barrier/HTB/, which protects sperm from the body’s immune response.

Male gametes contain the haploid /half/set of chromosomes, which means they are genetically foreign to the body’s cells, and the immune system destroys the foreign cells.

This is precisely why CTB protects mature and growing sperm from immune blood cells.

These are some features of anatomy and physiology, but in reality things do not develop the way they were intended by the Creator.

Nature has given man a woman in whose presence his body functions normally and he is healthy. And in the last resort, the Creator has provided him with a hand and imagination.

Modern science has proven that masturbation is an ancient mechanism embedded in nature and present in all mammals, which is not harmful, but on the contrary, it is useful and above all of a protective nature.

However, what does masturbation protect men from?

Since ancient times, the problem of spermatotoxicosis has manifested itself most vividly and dramatically in closed male collectives.

But if in the armies in the past it was possible for men to have sexual contact, both with women and with other representatives of the stronger sex, and incest was not prosecuted, in religious communities the situation was completely different.

What happens during prolonged abstinence in the male body?

As we know, the seminal ducts contain a huge amount of sperm. A healthy, active male germ cell throughout its life strives to move and by all possible means reach its goal – the female egg cell.

But when the sperm do not have an outlet for a long time, generation after generation they die in the seminal ducts without fulfilling their mission.

In such situations, a restructuring process is triggered in their anatomy and physiology. Initially, the changes begin in the acrosome.

In it, the activity of enzymes increases, which at a certain moment can destroy the seminiferous tubules and penetrate the CTB and penetrate into the blood.

In the bloodstream, male gametes are immediately attacked by immune cells and die. But if the integrity of the seminiferous tubules is broken, millions of other spermatozoa constantly enter the capillaries and the immune system is unable to deal with them.

However, the spermatemia phase is short-lived and the sperm that escape the immune system go where it is safe and free of immune cells, which is the brain.

The brain tissue, as well as the spermatic cord, is separated by a barrier – the blood-brain barrier /HEB/, through which blood cells and large immune molecules – antibodies cannot penetrate.

To cross the brain barrier, the molecules must be as small as oxygen and have the ability to dissolve in the lipid membrane of glial cells, like ethanol.

In addition, some substances can pass through the HEB via active transport. But for spermatozoa with hyperactive acrosome that have overcome CTB, HEB is not an obstacle.

Sperm destroy HEB

Penetrating into the brain tissue, the male germ cells inevitably damage it.

Whether they are active or after their death, when proteolytic enzymes from the acrosome spill into the intercellular space and disrupt the membrane of neurons and glial cells.

These are the mechanisms of the toxic effect of spermatozoa on brain tissue.

The spermotoxic effect of the central nervous system manifests itself with a variety of symptoms.

If the subcortical structures are affected, aggression, an uncontrollable feeling of hunger, increased physical activity, sometimes turning into motor excitement, is manifested, which is the cause of conflicts and fights, and in the best case, unnecessary arguments.

Spermatotoxic involvement of the hypothalamic-pituitary region is characterized by endocrine disorders – metabolism accelerates, the man loses weight, specific acne appears on his skin.

With prolonged exposure to the toxic agents from the spermatozoa, the structures that are in a state of excessive excitement are exhausted and degenerate.

The man begins to gain weight, his skin becomes smooth and shiny, acquiring a characteristic red color.

The most dangerous is the spermatotoxic effect on the brain – the intelligence quotient decreases significantly, the ability to reason, and such manifestations of higher brain functions as humor become primitive.

The man becomes emotionally numb, begins to lie more and tends to commit thefts.

It is impossible not to have noticed that all these symptoms are often observed in the military, and also in the monks.

That is, in those population groups that are most often exposed to the toxic effect of their own sex cells.

In order to prevent spermotoxicosis, scientists and biologists are of the opinion that serious measures should be taken to get rid of the prejudices of the past.

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