
The top 5 most common myths about vaccines

Recently, not only in Bulgaria, but also around the world, more and more people, among whom are mostly young people, oppose vaccines and do not immunize their children.

And although mass mandatory vaccination against some serious infectious diseases has led to their almost complete disappearance, the ranks of those opposed to mandatory immunizations are growing.

This is facilitated by the widespread spread of misconceptions regarding vaccinations.

From the team we will present 5 of the most common.

1. Vaccination is absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from allergies or bronchial asthma.

Currently, it is considered that children with allergic diseases are on par with others.

It is desirable that this happens during an exacerbation of the allergic process. And the immunization itself is recommended to be carried out “under the guise” of antihistamine preparations.

Vaccines are contraindicated only for children who have had severe allergic reactions as a result of their previous delivery, and also for people who are hypersensitive to bird protein or other components of the vaccine.

2. Only a clinically healthy child is allowed to be vaccinated

Today, more and more parents are afraid of getting a vaccine because their child is sick. Currently, many children are never clinically healthy, and it is they who become the main cause of more serious infectious diseases, for the prevention of which vaccines are administered.

Therefore, neither poor health conditions nor anemia are in any case contraindications for immunizing children.

The presence of a viral infection is a relative contraindication for vaccination, and only in those cases when the disease occurs with an elevated body temperature.

A mild infectious disease such as a cold, a prolonged runny nose with a normal temperature, is not a reason for vaccination.

The same applies to the vaccination of premature children. In this case, only the immunization against tuberculosis is not carried out, and only on the condition that the baby was born with a weight of less than 2000 grams.

3. Immunization of children with neurological diseases is contraindicated

Possible and, moreover, imperative. Otherwise, the child can become infected and develop a dangerous infection that worsens the course of the neurological disease.

Children with such diseases are immunized according to a special scheme, as the component of the bacterium that causes whooping cough is excluded from the 5-valent vaccine administered in Bulgaria.

Also, in such cases, a certain change in the immunization schedule, approved by the Ministry of Health, is allowed.

For stable neurological conditions such as Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal anomalies, for paresis, paralysis, consequences of injuries and diseases – vaccination prophylaxis is carried out according to the approved schedule.

4. Vaccination is inadmissible in dysbacteriosis

Immunizations are relatively contraindicated only in a severe form of this condition, that is, a serious disturbance of the balance of the intestinal microflora.

5. Vaccines cause various diseases

In the history of vaccine prevention, quite a few cases have been described when immunizations were declared to be the cause of the development of a wide variety of diseases.

For example, early opponents of the creator of the variolation method, E. Jenner, claimed that vaccination with cowpox would cause people to grow horns and hooves and turn into cows.

The main reason for the increase in the number of anti-vaccines is the published study, the results of which were refuted by the World Health Organization, which found a link between the MMR vaccine and autism.

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