
Vibrator for constipation? Yes or no?

Despite all the achievements of modern pharmacology, medicinal preparations are far from the only way to deal with annoying constipation.

Scientists have managed to develop a new way to treat constipation that does not require medication. It is based on the simple physical laws of the human body.

Researchers created a special capsule that is taken orally and begins to vibrate as it passes through the patient’s intestines.

According to data from a recent study, this vibrocapsule accelerates the contractions of the smooth muscles of the intestine by as much as two times in people suffering from chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

The capsule starts vibrating 6-8 hours after its intake. The vibrations stimulate the intestines by causing their smooth muscles to contract, and this helps to eliminate the cause of constipation.

Despite the widespread use of medicinal preparations against constipation, about 50% of patients remain dissatisfied with the treatment.

This is mainly due to the side effects of these medications, as well as the need to take them for a long time.

Furthermore, in many cases, drug therapy is not effective, because the intestines “get used” to the drugs used, and over time, their nerves are also damaged, which further worsens the condition of those suffering from constipation.

At a medical center in Tel Aviv, an experiment was conducted led by Dr. Yishai Ron. 26 patients took the vibrocapsule 2 times a week. Throughout the study, they kept a detailed diary.

Before the study, all participants abstained from taking laxatives.

In all patients taking the vibrocapsules, relief of constipation symptoms was found, including the disappearance of the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels. No side effects from taking the capsules were noted.

Chronic constipation is a common condition. About 15% of the US population suffers from it, exact statistics are not kept for Bulgaria.

But in Bulgaria people move more and this percentage should be less than in the USA. The symptoms of constipation are the cause of many ailments and a significant deterioration in the quality of a person’s life.

Dr. Ron points out that drug therapy does more harm than relief to people suffering from chronic constipation.

With the application of the new method of treatment, the side effects of the use of laxatives, such as flatulence and disturbances in the water-salt balance of the body, can be avoided.

Dr. Ron also adds that he plans to conduct a larger study to confirm the effectiveness of using the vibrocapsules.

This is how unexpected advances in technology are helping to find solutions to complex medical problems and enabling many people to start living full lives again.

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