Vulvitis is an inflammation of the external female genital organs, which develops due to a number of local and generalized reasons.
The infection occurs and covers the clitoris area, the labia minora and labia majora, the vestibule of the vagina, its glands and the hymen.
The causes of the disease are primarily conditionally pathogenic microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci and yeast.
And in rarer cases pathogenic agents of sexually transmitted diseases – gonococci, trichomonas, viruses, chlamydia, etc.
Sometimes inflammation of the external female genital organs is caused by the causative agents of tuberculosis and diphtheria.
Conditions for the development of infection are created as a result of the violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva and lowering of local immunity.
What are the symptoms?
The disease can be acute and chronic.
In the acute form, the following symptoms are characteristic:
• Severe swelling and redness of the labia, ulcers and erosions may form on the clitoris, the inguinal folds and inner thighs are affected.
• Itching, burning and painful sensations during urination, when moving and when pressing on the affected area;
• Serous-purulent or blood-containing exudate. When infected with Escherichia coli – the exudate is white and watery or yellow-green with a bad smell.
In staphylococcal infection – the exudate is thick with a yellowish color, and in candida it is similar to cottage cheese or curdled milk.
In girls with an acute form of inflammation of the vulva nervous excitability and insomnia are observed.
With untimely and incorrect treatment, the disease can turn into a chronic form with frequent exacerbations.
The chronic form is characterized by moderately manifested swelling, soreness and redness in certain areas of the mucous membrane of the vulva, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands, itching, burning and scanty exudate.
Sometimes after the healing of the erosions and ulcers characteristic of the disease, the genitals can be deformed, which subsequently makes it difficult to have sexual contact.
In girls, adhesions may occur in the area of the labia.
Treatment of vulvitis
In the treatment of the disease, modern gynecology applies complex therapy with local and general effect on the whole body.
Treatment should consist not only in eliminating the inflammatory process of the external genitalia, but also in the factors contributing to its occurrence.
In the acute form of the disease, the girl must observe bed rest. During treatment, women should refrain from sexual contact.
Antibiotic therapy is prescribed based on the identification of the specific pathogen and its sensitivity to a certain class of antibiotics.
When the inflammation of the vulva is of a specific nature, in such a case it is imperative to apply a special therapy corresponding to the pathogen.
And when the cause of the infection is candida, the main medicine is antifungal preparations.
In girls, vulvitis is called conditionally pathogenic microflora, and in this connection, antibiotics are prescribed for local application.
The disease requires local treatment of the external genitalia, for example:
• Application of lotions, cool compresses with lead water or eucalyptus tincture;
• Daily baths of the buttocks with warm water with potassium permanganate dissolved in it or herbal extracts of calendula, chamomile or bidens;
• Regular careful washing of the external genitals with solutions of boric acid, potassium permanganate and chamomile extract;
• Washing with antiseptic solutions and anti-inflammatory suppositories;