
What are the risks of using mobile phones for children?

The potential harm of microwave radiation (MRI) emanating from wireless devices, and especially its harmful effects on children, has been a sore subject for many years and is of interest not only to parents, but also to scientists.

For example, the results of some studies show an increase in the risk of malignant diseases under the influence of MVI, however, these data have been controversial and have been repeatedly disputed.

The latest scientific analysis on this topic was conducted under the direction of L.Lloyd Morgan and published in the Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure.

Below we will attempt to outline the main ideas from this report.

The authors reviewed all currently available research on the harm caused to children’s health by sources of MVI.

They compared the obtained data with the official dosimetric ones for mobile phones, presented in the regulations of the government bodies, and also in the instructions for these devices provided by the manufacturers themselves.

Dr. Morgan and his colleagues came to the conclusion that children are at greatest risk of MVI from wireless devices, including before birth /during intrauterine development/.

Children’s brain matter absorbs more microwaves than adults because children’s brain tissue is more prone to such absorption and the shielding tissues of the skull are thinner and the absolute size of the brain is smaller.

The developing fetus is particularly vulnerable to various impacts, as exposure to MVI can lead to degeneration of the protective myelin sheath that surrounds the neurons of the brain.

The results of numerous scientific studies show that children absorb more microwave radiation than adults.

According to some data, the brain tissue of children absorbs 2 times more microwave rays than that of adults. According to other data, the bone marrow of children absorbs 10 times more MVI than that of adults.

The authors note that Belgium, France and India and other countries have already passed laws to restrict the use of wireless devices by children and place mandatory warnings about the dangers of mobile devices near children and/or on the packaging their use by children.

Scientists also point out that RFI exposure limits have remained unchanged for the past 19 years and that wireless device manufacturers specify a minimum distance at which the device needs to be held in order to be safely exposed to the microwave rays.

For tablets and laptops the minimum distance from the body is 20 cm.

In the report, the authors note that the current minimum distance rules were created based on the mistaken assumption that tissue overheating damage is the only potential danger from wireless devices.

The authors also point to the so-called “digital dementia” in the report. This phenomenon is observed in children of school age.

The term was introduced by the German neurologist Manfred Spitzer, in 2012 he published the book with the same title.

The term is now used to describe how the excessive use of digital technology leads to impairment of children’s cognitive abilities.

In fact, the authors are not calling for the abandonment of the use of digital technologies by either people or children. They propose to develop a new kind of “safety standards” for the use of wireless devices.

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