
What is the terrible secret of toothpastes

We often ingest food full of chemistry, preservatives and artificial additives.

Toothpaste is not eaten, but the chemistry in it can enter the bloodstream through the oral cavity.

That is why it is high time to find out exactly what is contained in the toothpaste that we use several times a day.

It’s strange that no one talks about what exactly is in toothpaste. And sometimes the list of chemicals and artificial additives is longer than the Mendeleev table.

One of the most dangerous ingredients is the so-called triclosan. The toxic chemical was first registered with the Environmental Protection Agency in 1969 as a classified pesticide.

It was originally used in antibacterial soaps, shampoos, shower gels and deodorants. Subsequently, manufacturers began to put it in toothpastes, even though a series of scientific studies proved that the chemical leads to cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, muscle damage, bone problems.

What’s more – triclosan can totally mess up the hormonal balance in the body! The toxic chemical mimics the action of the female sex hormone estrogen, which in increased amounts is known to cause breast cancer.

Another dangerous element in toothpaste is sodium fluoride, which is said to strengthen teeth. Nothing of the kind! It is highly toxic and leads to severe physical and mental disabilities, neurological disorders, diseases of the heart, kidneys, infertility, skeletal and dental fluorosis, arthritis, diseases of the thyroid gland.

Sodium fluoride is a product of the industrial industry and is commonly used in various pesticides and rat poisons.

Toothpaste manufacturers aren’t content with just this chemical cocktail, however. One of the most common ingredients is sodium lauryl sulfate, thanks to which the paste foams.

Researchers from the College of Medicine at the University of Georgia, however, proved that this ingredient has carcinogenic properties, and in minimal amounts, such as enter the body through toothpaste, causes the eye disease cataract .

Have you paid attention to the labels on the toothpaste tube? Have you seen the colored strip at the bottom of the tube, which is usually colored black, blue, red or green?

According to some, this is a marking that facilitates the packaging process, but according to others, it is one of the best-kept secrets of toothpaste manufacturers.

Pharmacists claim that the color of the strip indicates how natural the composition of the paste is. When it is green, we can be sure that all the ingredients are of natural origin.

The blue stripe indicates that in addition to natural ingredients, there are also medicines in the paste. The red strip is a signal of danger, because in this case the paste contains not only natural raw materials, but also chemicals.

The most dangerous are the pastes marked with a black strip – they only contain chemistry, experts warn.

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