
What type of memory does your child have?

How does your child best remember information? It can have a visual, auditory, tactile or motor type of memory.

It is good until you are aware of the best way for your child to perceive information. And so it will be easier for you to help him prepare his homework and learn his lessons when he becomes first grade.

Children perceive new knowledge through sight, hearing, movement or touch. In your child, one or both types of perception may prevail and others may be “limp”.

Aural memory

Aural children perceive and remember primarily human speech and other sounds. They express their feelings verbally, they laugh loudly and cry, they can also scream out of anger.
Such children have logical thinking and mathematical abilities, they look for order and meaning everywhere.

They perceive information best through their hearing. In order to better perceive the learning material, these children are better off reading and speaking aloud. In order to better remember the poems or anything else, it is desirable to buy them cheap dolls to tell them what they have learned.

This may seem strange, but dolls also help in elementary school. And everything the child needs to remember, he will tell them. Playing with dolls at school is loved not only by girls, but also by boys, especially if adults do not make fun of them for it, but help them realize that it is necessary.

Visual memory

This type of child best perceives information through observation and imitation. Visual children differentiate toys based on shape, color and size. They usually learn to read quickly, but they should stay away from television, which would be very distracting to them.

In infancy, they do not cause problems, as they can observe their surroundings for a long time. They are easily distracted with new games, picture books. They are capable of looking at them for a long time.

The disadvantage of visual children is that they cannot focus on one thing because they get carried away by everything they see. It is especially difficult for these children to perform boring monotonous tasks.

By their nature, visualists are most often humanitarians, that is, they like the humanities.

Motor memory

Such children best remember everything related to movement or during movement. A typical example – memorizing songs or verses in combination with the movements.

In childhood with such children it is not easy, they cannot stay in one place, during school hours they feel the need to do something and not just listen to the teacher narrating the lesson. When they are in class, they draw something or draw, rotate a pencil or other objects in their hands. If they are allowed to do this, they will remember the material.

Children with this type of memory are most likely to draw and draw diagrams.

Tactile memory

It manifests itself in the need to touch everything and check how it is in touch. Such children need physical contact – they hug their mothers when they are sad.

Sometimes such children constantly hold their mothers’ hands, just for their own peace of mind. But even when they are angry, they also express their emotions tactilely – they hit, throw toys.

How do you learn with such children? At preschool age, they need educational toys that they can touch like puzzles, cubes, paperback books.

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