
What vitamins do our bodies need in winter?

Each winter our daily diet should include food sources of 3 basic vitamins.

When we get the necessary amount of them, we will not get sick, we will always be in a good mood, our liver will recover much faster and the skin of our face will take on a much fresher look.

1. For the liver

The substance inositol – another name for vitamin B8, is essential for modern man. Vitamin B8 protects the liver from various harmful effects – from alcohol to the side effects of taking drugs / antibiotics and hormonal preparations/.

Inositol also prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver cells, that is, it prevents the development of hepatic steatosis / from this disease according to gastroenterologists suffer to varying degrees up to 70% of European adults due to insufficient physical activity and chronic overeating /.

Vitamin B8 deficiency in the body is associated with high blood pressure, indigestion and constipation.

From which foods can we get it – from cabbage, from white cabbage and broccoli, grapefruit, chia seeds, roe from halibut /the largest bottom-dwelling fish/, pike and cod.< /p>

2. For the skin

Vitamin B10 or paraaminobenzoic acid /PABA/ protects us from the harmful effects of ozone and other adverse effects of the environment.

And what is especially important during the cold and flu season, is that PABA stimulates the formation of interferon in the body – a protein with a protective effect that helps strengthen the immune system.</p >

Vitamin B10 also makes the skin smoother and more elastic and protects the hair from excessive drying. And this is very important when the central heating is turned on or heating devices that greatly dry the air in the rooms during the cold winter months.

Vitamin B10 can be obtained from hazelnuts, goat and sheep cheese and egg yolks.

3. For a good mood

In winter, when it’s cold outside and it gets dark early, we often feel upset for no reason. Most of us believe that our mood is bad and there is nothing we can do to improve it. In the workplace, everything is not going as it should.

It is entirely possible that the cause of this condition is a deficiency of B vitamins, especially B1 /thiamine/.

This nutrient does not accumulate in the body and it is necessary to obtain it daily through food.

In addition, thiamine itself is a very fragile compound and is very quickly destroyed when exposed to various factors, it is most often destroyed by table salt.

In this regard, the following advice is useful – when cooking foods rich in thiamine, for example boiling beans, salt the already prepared dish, and do not add salt during its cooking.

Also, vitamin B1 is completely destroyed under the action of coffee, and when the weather is cool or cold, in order to warm up and invigorate ourselves, we drink more and more often coffee than in the summer.< /p>

Therefore, people who like to drink coffee should pay serious attention to this vitamin and more often consume food sources of thiamine. The absorption of vitamin B1 is also impaired when canned foods predominate in a person’s diet.

According to health statistics, young women up to the age of 40 suffer more often from a lack of this vitamin.

Food sources of vitamin B1 are peas, beans, chickpeas, spinach, buckwheat, beef and pork liver, and eggs.

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