
Why knitting is a great brain stimulant

Hand knitting is a rhythmic and soothing hobby. Knitting one or two crochets is a contemplative and creative hobby. Knitting is a more unconscious form of meditation. Some even call it “the new yoga”.

Modern neuroscience has confirmed that knitting is a hobby that, apart from being incredibly relaxing, has an extremely beneficial effect on our brain and psyche in general.

Scientific medical research shows that knitting and almost all other forms of textile pursuits such as sewing, weaving and knitting have a lot in common with the way attention is engaged. Rhythmicity and focus combined with clearing the mind has a lot in common with the principle of meditation. These activities have an almost magical effect on our consciousness. Practicing them regularly strengthens consciousness and contributes to our well-being.

A British online survey of nearly 4,545 knitters found that the handmade hobby is more than therapeutic. Neurologists and therapists, as a result of the results of the study, summarize that the calming and relaxing effects are observed in more than half of the respondents. Over 80% of those surveyed agree that knitting or sewing makes them feel very happy. The majority of people knit just for relaxation, stress relief and to increase their creativity.

The study also found that there was a significant relationship between the frequency of knitting and how people perceived the moods and feelings of others around them. Regular knitters (those who indulge in their favorite knitting more than three times a week) are calmer, happier, less sad, have lower anxiety levels and are much more confident.

The study concludes that knitting has incredible psychological and social benefits that can contribute to well-being and quality of life in any case. People who knit in a group are much better and happier than those who pursue their hobby solo. For some people, incredible ideas are generated while knitting.

Researchers have ranked the 10 most obvious benefits of knitting

  1. Better coping with mental challenges and better problem solving
  2. Better quality of social contacts
  3. Easier focus and retention of attention
  4. Development of hand-eye coordination, better spatial awareness and fine motor dexterity
  5. Better learning and teaching skills
  6. Ability to focus attention and thoughts on one task
  7. Encouraging active creativity
  8. Gives a sense of pride in accomplishments
  9. Builds patience and persistence
  10. Facilitates memory formation and retrieval

According to some researchers, the skills that knitters acquire are very close and help to learn Eastern techniques such as meditation, tai-chi, yoga. People who knit regularly can better relax and determine their daily pace. They are much better at managing their depression and pain.

For some people, knitting is a way to achieve a meditative state of mind that leads to limitless possibilities. According to prominent psychologists, the ability to sustain attention for a long time and the state of willed concentration keeps the brain more alive for a longer time.

Neurologists are increasingly beginning to understand the benefits of meditation. Science is only now realizing that it has an extremely positive effect on the brain. People who practice meditation (by knitting or otherwise) are much more resistant to depression, anxiety and stress. They are much more calm and confident in the face of adversity. Their quality of life is significantly better. All of these are important for maintaining brain health and our own well-being.

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