
10 reasons why we should smile more often

Most psychologists have believed for years that one should use every opportunity to smile. But recent scientific research confirms this suspicion of theirs, finding that people who smile more often are healthier, rarely or perhaps never catch flu or colds during the winter months.

1. First of all, more frequent smiles help strengthen our immune system.

And since we’re almost in the midst of flu and cold season, everyone is looking to boost their immune system in some way. One of the easiest ways to do this is simply to smile more often, thus protecting our body from stress. In this way, we also help it deal more quickly with the pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated it, even before we have developed any symptoms.

2. Smiling makes us more attractive

If we want to look good in front of others, we just remember to smile at them all the time. In a recent survey, 69% of the respondents indicated that women are more attractive when they are smiling and not when they are wearing make-up.

3. A cheerful facial expression makes it easier for people to remember us

The results of another study showed that participants were 3 times more likely to remember the faces of people who were smiling , than if they had a neutral or negative facial expression.

4. Communication skills improve

In one study, 86% of respondents said they were more likely to strike up a conversation with a stranger and befriend them if that stranger smiled. Obviously, a smile is an excellent means of increasing our network of contacts.

5. Changes the way others perceive us

People who smile more often are able to change the way they are perceived by others. Other people tend to see us as a more confident and successful person if we smile at them.

6. Fake smile is also useful

From the results of a recent study, it was found that even if we are not in the mood the “fake smile” for 20 seconds a day, if practiced for a period of 21 consecutive days, actually contributes to the creation of new connections between neurons, so that the smile becomes instinctive and genuine.

7. Prevents aggressive behavior

Psychologists believe that the simple act of smiling can reduce aggression. In this way, reconciliation is very easily achieved.

8. Increases life expectancy

A smile has a positive effect on a person’s overall health, as endorphins are released, which act as a natural analgesic, lower blood pressure and strengthen immunity.

According to scientists, this simple and inexpensive act can increase a person’s life expectancy by about 9 years.

9. It has a rejuvenating effect

Every person, when he reaches a certain age, starts looking for ways to rejuvenate.

A smile makes the face look younger and prevents the appearance of wrinkles and worry lines naturally, without the need for a facelift to achieve it.

So let’s smile. Smiling seems like the most ordinary and natural thing in the world, but if it becomes a habit, then a person can really experience great positive changes in the general state of health and quality of life.

10. Dulls pain and reduces the damage that stress does to the body

The endorphins dopamine and serotonin have a positive effect on cognitive and neurological health and limit significantly the manifestations of depression.

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