
14 things that make you always feel tired

Lack of sleep isn’t the only reason that can make you feel exhausted and lack energy. There are a number of things you do or don’t do that can make you feel like something has drained your strength. In this article, experts explain why you feel this way and what small changes you could make in your personal life to feel better.

1. You’re skipping a workout because you’re exhausted

Skiping a workout at first seems completely understandable when you’re feeling exhausted and want to conserve some energy. However, this works against you.

A study at the University of Georgia proved that healthy, mature people who did three 20-minute workouts a week without overexerting themselves felt much more energetic and cheerful compared to people who didn’t exercise.< /p>

Regular training will make your body stronger and more durable, and your circulatory system more efficient. Your body will begin to use oxygen and nutrients much more efficiently.

The next time you’re so tired you want to collapse on the couch, just get some fresh air and go for a short walk.

2. You’re not drinking enough water

The human body is a unique system that detects absolutely everything. Even mild dehydration of around 2% can cause an extremely severe drop in your energy.

Dehydration causes a decrease in blood volume, which makes the blood thicker. This makes it difficult for the heart to work and also makes it difficult for oxygen and nutrients to reach all the important organs and muscles.

3. Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency can cause a number of unpleasant sensations such as fatigue, irritability, sluggishness, as well as the inability to concentrate. With a lack of iron, the amount of oxygen that reaches the muscles and cells is less, and this makes you feel constantly tired.

Consumption of foods that contain iron will also protect you from anemia. Just include more beef, beans, eggs, tofu, spinach and peanut butter in the menu and combine them with enough vitamin C because vitamin C improves iron absorption.

Note: Lack of iron can be due to a health problem, so if you have such complaints, share this with your GP.

4. Perfectionism

We all try to be perfect and get as much work done as possible. However, perfectionism is not very good for us, or in simple terms – it drains our vitality. We constantly strive to surpass ourselves and set goals that are difficult to achieve. This makes us eternally dissatisfied with ourselves.

Instead – says professor of psychiatry Irene Levine from the New York University of Medicine – it is good to set smaller and easier to achieve goals. She says that this way we will feel much more satisfied and we will see a lot of progress and the results of our work will be better.

5. The constant anxiety

Constantly afraid that you will be fired? Or are you worried about making the next car payment? Or for the rent? Or something related to children? Or a little bit of everything? So you are one of the millions of people who are victims of negativity and turn every thought into a real disaster.

In reality, it’s good to know that the probability of things happening as badly as you imagine them to be is almost zero. Stop for a moment, meditate, go for a walk, rest, read a book and share your worries with your friends. You will see that things are not as bad as you think.

6. You skip breakfast

If you skip breakfast, don’t be surprised if you have no energy. Breakfast is necessary to give you a good start for the day with lots of nutrients and energy. It is good to include oatmeal, peanut butter, fruit, bran, a whole grain sandwich with cheese or cottage cheese, a slice of ham.

7. You are eating junk food

If you are used to eating junk food loaded with sweeteners and dyes, it will cause short-term spikes in blood sugar, but soon after extreme fatigue will follow.

To have energy throughout the day you need to eat whole grains and protein at every meal. Ditch the donuts and other pointless junk and eat something real like chicken, fish, rice, potatoes, salad.

8. Inability to say “no”

People are often put first, and their concerns come before your own. Susan Albert, a licensed clinical psychologist in Cleveland and author of Unlock Your Weight Loss Power and Emotional Intelligence, says we need to practice saying no, because it turns out that for many people, it’s very difficult.

She advises that we practice saying “no” when we are alone and apply it when necessary. The next time you’re asked to bake cookies for your son’s school party or your boss pressures you to work on the weekend, just say no and you’ll save yourself a lot of worry.

9. The lack of order

The lack of order prevents us from concentrating on our work when we sit behind the desk. If there are lots of scattered objects around you, it will be harder for you to focus on a task.

Scientists from Princeton University confirm this and urge us to tidy up our desks every day when we finish work.

10. Work during vacation

We Bulgarians are very good at this – to be lazy while working and to work while resting. This is an unpleasant feature of the Balkan mentality that can wear you down to the extreme.

In this way, you do not take full advantage of your vacation time and there is a real possibility of “burning out” of work. So the next time you’re on vacation, don’t check your email every 5 minutes, just relax. We promise you that you will be more relaxed and creative afterwards.

11. Drink before bed

The habit of drinking before bed can have a very negative effect on your sleep.

Alcohol initially relaxes the nervous system, but after the relaxing effect wears off, an adrenaline rush occurs, which can cause nighttime awakenings and restless sleep. If you want to sleep well, forget about alcoholic drinks before going to bed.

12. You stand in front of the computer, tablet or phone before going to bed

If you have the habit of standing in front of the computer, tablet or phone before going to bed, you have most likely noticed that sleep comes more slowly and uncertainly, compared to cases in who have not used these modern “toys” before going to bed.

The effect of high technology on sleep is explained by the strong light emitted by the monitor. This suppresses the hormone melatonin and can lead to sleep problems. If you can’t fall asleep without checking your email, at least try to keep your phone or computer as far away from your eyes as possible.

13. You drink too much coffee

Coffee, if consumed very late in the afternoon, can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle. The effect of caffeine can be felt even 6 hours after drinking the coffee. And while a cup of coffee in the morning can even be beneficial, if you drink more than 3 coffees at a time you can feel seriously exhausted and lack energy.

14. Staying up late

If you have a habit of staying up very late, for example on Saturdays, then you will most likely also sleep late on Sundays and not be able to get enough sleep for work on Monday.

There is a chain reaction, which spoils the balance for several days to come. And so without realizing it, half the week has passed, and we are still exhausted. The best advice is to continue to go to bed at the weekend at the same time you used to go to bed during the week.

If you went to bed later on Saturday, then sleeping until noon on Sunday can be replaced by a light nap after lunch for about 20 minutes.

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