
20 scientifically proven health benefits of practicing meditation

The modern world is a place of unceasing chaos. More and more people have no control not only over what happens around them, but also over themselves. The only corner of the world with complete silence and peace may be somewhere deep inside you.

Meditation, if practiced regularly, can make you healthier, calmer, happier and more successful in every area of ​​your life. And the benefits are for absolutely everyone – from overworked students, through working people, to military veterans and others.

Meditation has something for everyone.

In the last 10 years, hundreds of studies have been done, and the benefits are thousands, but they can be briefly summarized as follows:

1. Regular meditation strengthens the immune system and improves the resistance of the human body

2. Meditation reduces pain, including chronic pain.

3. Regular meditation tends to reduce the likelihood of inflammation at the cellular level in the human body. This protects against a number of health ailments and diseases.

4. Regular practice significantly enhances positive emotions and sensations. Overall improves the feeling of happiness.

5. It reduces depression and eliminates depressed moods. People who meditate regularly are much less at risk of depression. Also, meditation is an excellent way to combat this condition if it has already occurred.

6. Meditation is a very valuable practice for people who suffer from anxiety. For those affected by various anxiety and compulsive disorders, practicing regular meditation can help to achieve significant improvement.

7. Among the most distinct benefits of regular practice is that you will experience a significant reduction in stress and respond better to stressful situations.

Meditation improves social life. This may seem strange to you, because meditation is inherently a solitary activity. In reality, however, the practice makes you feel much more connected to other people.

8. In this regard, one of the proven benefits of meditation is to increase social connected ness (makes people more social and adaptable in a group) and increases emotional intelligence.

9. Regularly engaging in this spiritual practice makes people more compassionate and helps them more easily put themselves in other people’s shoes.

10. Meditation helps people feel less lonely. And lately, this is a great advantage, because despite the mass penetration of social networks, people in large numbers do not have real friends and often suffer from failed relationships with their romantic partners, and behind the thousands of friends on social networks there is an emptiness.

11. Meditation enhances a sense of self-control and gives people a greater sense of stability and ability to tame their emotions.

12. It greatly improves the individual‘s ability to self-observe and when necessary to distance himself from his own emotions in order to look at different situations objectively as a bystander.

13. Increases gray matter and helps change your brain for the better.

14. It helps to regulate strong emotions, provoke positive ones, creates a feeling that you are in control of your own mind and body.

15. Increases the ability to think critically and strengthens the ability to concentrate.

16. Regular meditation is very useful for people who want to improve their attention and want to learn to focus on something specific for a longer period of time.

17. Practice improves the ability to multitask.

18. Meditation is considered a good means of improving memory.

19. It enhances your personal creativity and helps you think outside the box.

20. Meditation makes you wiser. It gives you perspective. It is a way to maintain good psychological hygiene. It clears out the junk, brings out your talents, helps you connect with yourself. If you keep your mind free, you will make it feel that everything is okay. And if everything is right in your mind, so will it be outside of it.

Once you know your mind, you will find that there is much less to worry about because most of the fears in life are simply fears of our own thoughts, feelings and emotions.

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