
3 reasons to give up sugar completely

Constant and large amounts of sugar use has a bad effect on the human body.

First of all, consuming too much sugar causes an increase in body weight. But this is not the only way in which this excessively caloric and devoid of useful substances for the human body “food” harms human health.

Disturbances occur in every body system as a result of sugar abuse. White refined sugar harms the health of the whole body from head to toe, negatively affecting the brain, digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular and immune systems, even the skin, as it conditions the development of eczema.

Sugar causes water retention, formation of kidney and liver stones. It can also damage the pancreas, due to its constant overload and the need to produce more insulin strong> which ensures the entry of sugar into the cells and normalization of its levels in the bloodstream.

It turns out that there is not a cell in the body that does not experience difficulties in its functions due to excessive dietary sugar intake.

1. Sugar damages the immune system

Perhaps you have ever wondered why your kids sometimes get sick after going to a birthday party where they consumed unlimited candy, ice cream and cake.

This happens because sugar actually suppresses the immune response for several hours after it is ingested and also leads to gradual, long-term damage to the immune system.

Sugar reduces immune cell motility by first suppressing a basic immune function called phagocytosis. Phagocytes are cells that engulf and engulf foreign bodies such as bacteria and pathogens, and phagocytosis is a term for this process.

Sugar limits the process by “crippling” the phagocytes. The peak of blocking cell function occurs 2 hours after the ingestion of sugar. As early as 1973, scientists explained this phenomenon.

This is something to think about before overindulging on sweets during the Christmas and New Year holidays, which are right in the middle of flu and cold season.

The second way sugar harms the immune system is by competing with vitamin C, as the hormone insulin transports sugar in and out of cells. Conventionally, insulin functions as a “transporter.”

It also transports vitamin C to and from cells. Therefore, for the most part, insulin molecules transport glucose, and accordingly, a sufficient amount of vitamin C will not reach the cells where it should be, especially in the phagocytic cells.

Phagocytes need vitamin C to function properly and to carry out the process of phagocytosis efficiently enough. This is the mechanism by which sugar disrupts the function of the immune system.

2. Sugar damages the brain

Sugar causes the development of Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most devastating degenerative brain disease today. Sugar contributes to the formation of advanced glycation end products.

These are proteins that have been “glycated” or attached to a sugar molecule. Therefore, the presence of a higher content of sugar in the body creates conditions for more opportunities to connect proteins to sugar molecules.

3. Sugar robs bones of minerals

When you think about how sweet sugar is and how nice it would be if you ate a sweet after a while, imagine consuming sugar constantly scraping your bones with sandpaper. This is not a far-fetched analogy, as sugar depletes key bone nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and copper.

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