
5 Health Benefits of Cinnamon

An aromatic spice? Medicine? An exotic addition to tea and food? Cinnamon is all of these things, but also one of nature’s most powerful healers. What are the health benefits of it?

1. Better health for your heart

In a recent Penn State study, researchers found that a diet rich in spices like cinnamon and turmeric helps limit the negative effects , coming from fatty food.

After eating food rich in fat, blood triglyceride levels increase, and chronic increases in blood triglycerides lead to permanent problems related to cardiovascular disease.

Among men between 30 and 65 years of age, a study was conducted, expressed in the intake of fatty food and together with it 2 spoons of spices per day, including cinnamon.

After a few days, these men had their blood sampled and the results showed 13% higher levels of antioxidants in the blood and a reduced level of triglycerides by about 30%.

2. Regulates blood sugar

In research conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, scientists found that antioxidant-rich cinnamon extract helps reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular patients.

In the study, 22 volunteers suffering from obesity were divided into 2 groups. One group was given a placeboo and the other a dose of a water-soluble cinnamon extract along with their regular food intake.

After 12 weeks for blood samples taken in both groups. Among the results of the group that took cinnamon extract, it is clear that the beneficial spice reduces the level of blood sugar and increases the amount of antioxidants in the body.

3. Diabetes Protection

Cinnamon has been shown to delay gastric emptying, which limits the spike in blood sugar after a meal. Additionally, a Georgia university found that cinnamon can protect against permanent tissue damage caused byhigh blood sugar.

According to results, the same study showed that cinnamon reduced the risk of artery damage and strengthened the heart.

4. Better brain function

Studies show that only things that smell like cinnamon help cognitive function. An experiment was recently conducted in which volunteers were divided into three groups and each group was given cinnamon, jasmine and mint flavored gum.

Then all three groups had to complete several computer tasks. The group that chewed the cinnamon gum showed the best brain function, accelerated visual-monitor responses and the highest scores. In addition, cinnamon helps the brain improve its regenerative abilities.

5. Protection from Parkinson’s

In animal studies, it has been found that once cinnamon is ingested, it is metabolized into a substance called sodium benzoate, which enters the brain.

In mice with Parkinson’s disease, the positive effects are many. Some of these are protection over neurons, normalized levels of neurotransmitters and improved motor functions.

10 Ways to Use Cinnamon

Here are some recipes to incorporate cinnamon into, allowing you to unlock its full potential to benefit your health.

1. Combine it with your coffee
2. Use it on your morning cereal

3. Put cinnamon in your yogurt
4. Freeze cinnamon in ice cubes and use it for cocktails

5. Spice up something freshly grilled with cinnamon
6. Sprinkle your bowl with beans or lentils

7. Cinnamon is a great addition to your sweet potatoes or spaghetti
8. Cinnamon also goes well with popcorn

9. Try cinnamon on all kinds of desserts, it goes quite well with a spoonful of honey, especially on pancakes

10. Melt chocolate, sprinkle it with cinnamon and pour the resulting mixture over a bowl of fruit, you will like the result!

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