
6 Signs You’re Not Exercising Right

Although any type of physical activity is better than none, some training plans are better than others in terms of overall effectiveness.

Even if you think you got a good workout by spending an hour reading a magazine on the exercise bike, the truth is that if you leave the gym with makeup on, you haven’t trained hard enough.< /p>

At the same time, a sweaty face isn’t the only way to prove you’ve worked hard at fitness. Here are five reasons why your workout might not be going the right way.

Not monitoring your heart rate

Whether you are on a treadmill in cardio mode or doing high intensity workouts, you should carefully monitor your heart rate . The optimal heart rate during training is obtained by subtracting the number of your years from the number 220.

It is easiest to track your heart rate through the device itself, but this can be done with a special watch or simply by placing your fingers on your wrist.

Some people mistakenly think that if they’re sweating, it must mean they’re getting a good cardio workout. In fact, some people are more prone to sweating than others.

Monitoring your heart rate is simply the most effective way to gauge your workout intensity level.

You talk while exercising

A nice walk with a friend is a good way to pass the time, but not if you expect this activity to help you lose weight.

Simply put, if you can carry on a conversation during a workout, you’re just not training properly. Short phrases, maybe, but not lengthy conversations, especially while jogging.

After a workout you don’t feel any pain

Without pain there is no gain. A good way to prove to yourself that you worked hard in the gym is muscle soreness the next day, known to us as muscle fever. It is caused by fine tears in the muscle fibers, which quickly disappear.

The muscles then adapt, recover and become stronger. In general, you should feel moderate soreness 24 hours after a workout, if not, you haven’t exercised enough.

And for muscle soreness, it’s to give yourself a day off to recover the painful muscle groups while you strain others. Alternate them so as not to overwork one particular group.

Lack of fatigue after training

After you’ve been on the same exercise plan for a while and you don’t feel heavy or tired when you’re done, it’s time to change the intensity. If you want to gain lean muscle mass, start adding heavier weights to the machines.

If you’re using lighter weights for tone, do a few extra reps – for example, instead of 10-15, increase them to 25. If you’re doing cardio, try picking up the pace or incorporating more interval training.

Because your body is constantly adapting, if you do the same thing over and over again, it will get used to it and not react. The more you practice, the more effort you will need to make progress.

You don’t train variedly

You need to vary not only the intensity of your workout, but also the variety in what you do. Be creative. Athletic people don’t stick to one scheme, they go through different workouts.

If you’re doing the same set of squats and biceps exercises day after day, you’re probably throwing your body out of balance (not to mention how boring it is). Don’t be afraid to mix different type of exercises.

If you’re a runner, add some free weights. If you train primarily with weights, try adding yoga or pilates to your daily routine to balance your body’s strength-to-flexibility ratio. You don’t have to do it all at once, but make your body do something it’s not used to.

You don’t see physical changes

This doesn’t mean that if you don’t see results after a week of training, you should give up. After all, how long did it take you to get your body to where it is now?

But if you’ve been eating healthy and exercising for more than a few months without noticing even a slight physical change, you may need to reevaluate your time in fitness . Progress is slow, but if done the right way, it is visible.

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