
7 Signs You Are Deficient in Vitamin D

The only way to know for sure that your body is suffering from a deficiency of vitamin D is through a blood test.

However, there are some signs and symptoms that you will become familiar with while reading this article that will help you understand exactly what is going on in your body.

If any of the listed concepts apply to you, then you are suffering from a deficiency of vitamin D.

Better to get the necessary amounts of this vitamin with a slight delay than to let your body suffer from its deficiency!

1. Do you have darker skin?

African-Americans are at greater risk of vitamin D deficiency because if you have dark skin, you should to expose yourself to the sun up to about 10 times more.

This is because Caucasians and people with very fair skin generally absorb vitamin D from the sun more easily than African Americans.

The pigment that the Negroid race carries within it acts as a sunscreen that repels the sun’s rays.

Thus, you will need to spend more time in the sun to get the necessary amounts of this vitamin.

2. Feeling depressed?

Serotonin, the brain hormone often associated with mood swings, increases its levels when exposed to bright sunlight.

And accordingly, it lowers them drastically when exposure to the sun is too short or not at all.

2006 study. states that people who suffer from vitamin D deficiency are 11 times more likely to develop depression, mental disorders, and even suicide, compared to people with normal vitamin D levels.

3. Are you elderly?

As mentioned, as you age, your skin stops synthesizing more vitamin D if you spend longer in the sun.

At the same time, your kidneys become less efficient at synthesizing vitamin D.

Therefore, it is a common tendency for elderly people to spend more time at home, indoors, from there come mental problems, mood changes, etc.< /p>

4. If you are overweight, obese or have a higher muscle mass…

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble, hormone-like vitamin, meaning that fat in the body act as a “sink” when they break it down.

If you are obese or overweight, keep in mind that the amount of vitamin D your body needs will be higher than that of your thinner friends, for example.

This also applies to active athletes who have a higher muscle mass, they will also need higher amounts of vitamin D.

5. Bone pain

Many of the diseases whose symptoms include bone pain are actually due to low levels of vitamin D in the body.

Deficiency of this vitamin leads to problems with the main life processes of the body.

Vitamin D deficiency affects the release of calcium into the matrix of the skeleton, resulting in bone pain< /strong>.

6. Sweating in the head area

One of the first, classic signs of vitamin D deficiency is sweating in the area around the occiput and head.

In fact, doctors often ask the question “Does your forehead, neck and head sweat a lot?” of expectant mothers.

In this way, they aim to find out if the expectant mother suffers from vitamin D deficiency and if this in turn will cause problems and bring damages to the baby.

7. Gastrointestinal disorders

Remember that vitamin D is fat-soluble and any problems with the intestines and stomach would interfere with its absorption.

If you suffer from a gastrointestinal disease that affects your ability to absorb and break down fat, consult a doctor, because this way you are left with your hands folded when it comes to taking this vital vitamin.

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