
8 rules when shopping for vegetables

The fruit and vegetable stand is probably one of the healthiest and most attractive in the store, but be sure you know what you’re buying. For these reasons, the policy of large stores is to place the “fresh section” or the so-called fruit-vegetable at the beginning of the store, as the place that will immediately attract the customer’s eye.

Unlike a certain brand of cereal that you can find in every store, on every corner, on every stand, whether that stand is at the beginning, middle or end of the store, fruits and vegetables are perishable products, which should always be fresh and attractive to the customer.

Fruits and vegetables are an essential element of a nutritious and healthy diet. At the same time, the benefits that our body derives from them are healthy for our body. But at the same time, a large percentage of fruits and vegetables are treated with pesticides, some of them classified as carcinogenic to humans, toxic neurotoxins and hormones that destroy our body.

One solution is to buy certified organic products, but this is simply not an option for most families because organic products are 2 to 4 times more expensive, than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. In addition, biofoods are not yet available everywhere and are not always available.

Fortunately, the harmful effects of pesticides can be reduced by thoroughly and carefully washing purchased fruits and vegetables before they are placed on the table. Thanks to the great progress of the industrial industry, most vegetables on the market are of good quality, but here are some simple tricks to help you know what you’re buying.

1. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables

Vegetables are usually in their best condition and best priced at the peak of the season

2. Look for the fresh

Always inspect the product you are about to purchase. Check if it is fresh, if it has bright, lively colors – buy it! You won’t regret it.

3. Be careful

Some vegetables are more special than others when it comes to storage and durability. Be careful on the way from the market to the kitchen, because even a slight bruise can damage the fruit or vegetable.

4. Don’t buy something just because it’s cheap

Keep in mind that just because something is cheap doesn’t mean you’re saving. Think about what you’re losing, because when you buy 2 kilos of a vegetable cheaply, you won’t be able to eat them while they’re at their freshest, and so gradually they’ll start to lose their nutritional value, wilt until you can’t force yourself to eat them anymore. throw away.

5. Don’t buy wilted and rotten

Do not invest in fruits and vegetables that are decaying and the only way you can tell they are fruits and vegetables is that they are just displayed in the market. It’s a good investment to give a few cents on top, but buy something that works, or at least won’t fall apart on the way home.

6. Buy only products that grow in your region

They are always fresher and cheaper because they don’t have to travel 300 km to come from another city, they don’t have to be treated with pesticides to preserve them so they can, still fit when they arrive.

7. Browse the bookmarked

It is a common trend for stores to mark goods that will be unusable within a few days. So take advantage of buying something a little cheaper and consume it the same day.

8. Buy onion, ginger and red pepper

These vegetables are cheaper, quite healthy and will always provide some zinc to your body.

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